•ಡ·Εͳ͍௨ૹΒΕ͍ͯͳ͍ͷͱಉ͡ •ٸ͗ͷ௨SMSLINEɺFacebook Messengerͷํ͕ ྑ͍ •ٻͳͲɺޙͰৼΓฦΔՄೳੑ͕ߴ͍௨ϝʔϧ͕ ྑ͍ Developer Preview Dear Mr. MUELEER, The departure gate for your flight LH935, London - Frankfurt/ Main, 20.02.2017 has changed. The new gate is: 003. Please also check airport information or online flight status. → Flight status ސ٬ʹ࠷దͳνϟωϧͰΞϓϩʔν͢Δ"1*
-X POST https://notify.twilio.com/v1/Services/ ISXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/Notifications \ -d 'Identity=00000001' \ -d 'Title=Generic loooooooong title for all Bindings' \ -d 'Body=This is the body for all Bindings' \ -d 'Fcm={"notification":{"title":"New alert","body":"Hello Bob!"}}' \ -d 'Apn={"aps":{"alert":{"title":"New alert","body":"Hello Bob!"}}}' \ -u 'ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:your_auth_token' 1SPHSBNNBCMF4.4ɺ/PUJGZɺ 1SPYZ͔Βར༻͕Մೳ
ηογϣϯʹϢʔβͷి൪߸ΛՃ ηογϣϯʹׂΓͯΒΕͨి൪߸ͰϓϥΠόγʔ௨Λ։࢝ + ᶃ ᶄ ᶅ ଠ Ֆࢠ ଠ Ֆࢠ 08012345678 09098765432 5XJMJP1309:ͷ͘͠Έ # A session is an instance of two people communicating session = ProxyService.sessions.create( unique_name='ORDER-10003912', ttl=3600 # This session should last 1 hour ) # Add our first participant participant_a = session.participants.create( identifier='+12345678901' ) # Add our second participant participant_b = session.participants.create( identifier='+19876543210' ) # That’s it! Our proxied conversation, complete with masked phone numbers, has been created. # Each participant will now have a Twilio proxy number assigned.
wಠࣗͷੳϞσϧΛઃఆՄೳ wྲྀΕͷதͰͷݺͼग़͠ 5XJMJP6OEFSTUBOE "I would like to fly from San Francisco to Detroit on December 6th" { "intent": "book_flight", "departure": "San Francisco", "arrival": "Detroit", "time": "December 6th" } Coming Soon