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  1. 1-4 Activity_ What's important to you_ - TMM Module 1

    Mon, 2/28 4:48PM 3:25 SUMMARY KEYWORDS overwhelmed, happen, starting point, unfold, day, overarching theme, stop, talk, matters, routines, pickup line, schedule, quiet, thrilling, sorting, work, important, extra, crackers, bam SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 Hey there, Successful Mama, welcome back to module one about motivation. And our activity today is what's important to you. Patricia Sung 00:07 Now, as we look forward to what we're going to be creating for our families, our schedule and our routines and all this stuff, it's like how do I create a plan if I don't actually know what I want that to look like. What matters to me, what's important to me and my family is like, oh, let's take a moment to think about those. Patricia Sung 00:23 But remember, we don't want to be overwhelming here. This decision is like for right now, you can change at any time, this is not like the end all be all. So try not to get too overwhelmed by the task. We're not questioning all of our live values here, where we just need a starting point. And these will unfold as you move forward. So no pressure, okay. Patricia Sung 00:44 Here's what I want you to do. In a few minutes of, you know, the cracks in your day, we have a couple minutes of quietness, whether that's like sitting in the pickup line, or very thrilling sports practice or rocking a baby to sleep. Think about what is it that matters to you in your day? Patricia Sung 01:01
  2. So you can journal this mind map it brain, dump

    it recorder, using a quarter app to talk it out, talk with a friend, a spouse, or another mama in the group. Patricia Sung 01:08 And think about, what do you want your day to look like? What are the things that you want to include, and if you can narrow it down to maybe three things you'd like to see happen in your day. Patricia Sung 01:19 These could be specific things like, I want to spend 10 minutes a day reading my Bible, or it could be more like an overarching theme of I just would like more quiet time. Like my life is very loud and I would like a little more quiet. Patricia Sung 01:32 If you have absolutely no clue as to what's important to you right now, I'm going to give you an extra video here about the value card sort. But some of you will know like right away, like bam, this is what I need to happen. And you might not be like that. So if you if you need a little extra help, you know sorting these things out. Patricia Sung 01:53 The other thing I want you to think about is what do you want to stop or minimize in your day? What are the things that are happening that you're not okay with. Patricia Sung 01:59 I was talking to a lady the other day, and she was saying, you know, when I come home from work, I immediately like flop on the couch, I start watching Netflix, I'm too tired to get up and move cook food. So I end up like eating some crackers and peanut butter. And then I go to bed at some point and like roll into my bed and the day starts over again. She's like, I want to stop that habit. I don't want that to be my evening anymore. Patricia Sung 02:21 So it could be something like that, where you want to stop things that happening or like I want less of this and if you can narrow down to three things that you would like to see stopping and you don't even have to have three, it's whatever comes to mind there. But I don't want you to feel overwhelmed with like, here's the 47 things I'd like to happen in my day and the 27 things I'm not going to do anymore.
  3. Patricia Sung 02:44 We just, you know constrained in and

    work on little things at a time. We will get to all of your goals eventually. But let's get right into right now. Patricia Sung 02:54 So, again, these will unfold as you work forward. As you start putting your schedule together, you'll see the things that you want to add in the things that you want to take out. We just need a starting point, right? Patricia Sung 03:06 So optional, of course is to share your top three in the post in the group of your top threes. And of course planning when you're gonna watch the next video is always helpful to actually make it happen. Patricia Sung 03:17 So I'm very proud of you. Keep going. I'll talk to you soon Successful Mama.