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  1. 4-2 Activity_ Make Your Foundational Schedule - TMM Module 4...

    Mon, 3/21 9:13PM 5:45 SUMMARY KEYWORDS schedule, put, activity, foundational, preschool, driven, module, write, computer, lessons, industrious, feeling, paper, swimsuits, draft, wednesday mornings, brainstormed, wishful thinking, car, post SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 Hey, they're successful mama. Welcome back to module four. And we are looking at our foundational schedule. So I'm actually going to get out of my presentation here and pull up this Excel spreadsheet. Patricia Sung 00:10 Now you can do this in an Excel spreadsheet or Google Sheet or whatever your computer comes with, you can write this on a piece of paper you can do on a whiteboard, whatever is easier for you put in your journal memory, you just want to get this on to either paper or computer because you're going to refer back to this as we create your rhythms. Patricia Sung 00:30 Remember, this is going to modify as you go. And we're only putting on the things we actually do. This is not our wishful thinking. Foundational schedule, it is the actual things we do. And like I, I will give the disclaimer like this is the one that when I first started out with doing foundational schedules from 2019, this is not what I do right now, our schedule looks very different. And I did try to do all this wishful thinking. And that's why I'm not telling you to do that. Patricia Sung 01:00 Okay, so you can do your foundational schedule. And I would like you to do it from when you wake up to when you go to sleep. So it would need to be earlier, if you get up earlier, it will need to go later. Like when I first started doing this, I only went to five o'clock, My God, my husband got home and ish. And I recognized that it needs to be the full day. And you also do
  2. want to look at Saturday and Sunday. Because there are

    seven days in the week. And so you're going to put in and I find that half an hour increments are easier to wrap my head around a whole hour is hard for my brain to picture. So I like the 30 minutes. And you're going to put in the things that you do every day. Patricia Sung 01:45 So for example, I put them in red the things that I have to do at a certain time. That's what you're that's what you're doing in this activity right now. So things like school drop off happened between 8:30 and 9. At this point, I met a friend at the gym on Tuesday and Thursday. So that was a specific like time driven activity has with some lessons here at 930. On Mondays I went to a Bible study on Wednesday mornings, you can see preschool pickup changed depending on the day. So sometimes it was around lunchtime, sometimes it was around 2. And then we were doing gymnastics at the time and some lessons for the other kid. These are the kinds of things that need to go into your foundational schedule are the things that are time driven and have to occur. Patricia Sung 02:29 Now the other thing that I want you to write in are the things that you do regularly, but maybe aren't like scheduled with a person for example, lunch, you know about when you have lunch about when you have naps, anything that happens at a certain time on regular basis. Okay, so this is the example here. And let's see, well, if you're feeling up for it, one of the future activities here is trying to think about like how much time it takes you to do these things. So if you are up for it, you can add in the things like driving to swim lessons, I put that in the half hour before actually doing swim lessons. Because we need that time to like change in swimsuits, drive over there, get out of the car, walk over to the pool. And it takes that like about 30 minutes to do that. So you can if you're feeling industrious, don't don't kill yourself here. Like we have lots of things to do. So don't go too crazy here. If you're feeling up for it, you can add in the things that need to happen. Patricia Sung 03:35 Like for example here, like going to preschool drop off might be in there. Well, actually, I don't know why that sounds like preschool drop off was at nine o'clock. So you know, we were leaving about 830 was like putting on shoes, getting backpacks getting in the car. Okay. Um, yeah, that is what you are doing in this activity here. And let me go back into this. Okay. My little talking head, come on. Patricia Sung 04:11 Okay. So, to review, here's what you need to do, either on your computer or on piece of paper, because we are going to reference this back. So I want you to have this one written down not just like, you know, spoken into a recording app or whatever you were recording your thoughts on on the previous activities. Ask yourself, What do I do every day or every week at a specific time. I also want you to consider what you already brainstormed in module two. So you already
  3. did some of this thinking about your anchors in module

    two. Keep in mind that this is a first draft, so it should be messy. It's not supposed to look gorgeous. You don't need it to be in like color coded with fonts and blah, blah. Like it just needs to be on some paper here. If color coding makes you really happy and that's how your brain organizes things. Sure, but like, again, this is a first draft. It doesn't have to be gorgeous. And it's gonna change it is not gonna look like this in a couple of days. Okay? Patricia Sung 05:04 Optional, if you're willing to post a photo or you can take a screenshot on your phone, on your computer, post a photo of what you wrote your journal, and put it into your foundational schedule homework post so that we can start to see what that looks like. And that will help other moms see what they need to be putting down cuz a lot of times we put stuff on them or like, Oh, I totally forgot to put in soccer practice or whatever. So that's good to get some extra feedback. Patricia Sung 05:34 Remember, when you're stuck, be sure to ask for feedback at our meeting. And then plan for you are gonna watch the next video. Alright, I will talk to you soon. Hang tight.