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  1. 6-12 FAQ_ Too much to do_ Future Goals_ - TMM

    Module 6 Tue, 3/22 12:12PM 3:54 SUMMARY KEYWORDS schedule, create, lighten, frequently asked questions, realistic, offloading, circling, expecting, very real possibility, efficiencies, plan, wrapping paper, load, overflowing, add, runs, hobby, bandwidth, road, realize SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 Hey there successful mama. Welcome back to module six. And we're gonna hit two frequently asked questions that we get after putting together schedules. Patricia Sung 00:07 One is, I can't do it all, like there's too much stuff on here and there's not enough time to do it. Patricia Sung 00:14 That is a very real possibility here. Now that you can see like, quote unquote, see your time, you may also now see that how much is overflowing off your plate and how much you're expecting of yourself that there is not a time in the day for? Yeah, it's a thing. We do this. And so this is a really great thing for us. Because one, it's like a validation to know that you're not crazy, like this amount of stuff that you're expecting yourself to do is not realistic, given the time that you have in a day. Patricia Sung 00:51 So there's a reason you don't have it all done. Because there was no way to get it all done. But to this is the time where you can figure out like, how am I going to lighten my load? Who else can contribute to these things? What jobs can I give my kids? My spouse? What can I outsource? What do I need to say no to like, we talked about that earlier on there. But like
  2. we're circling back to be like, this is the point

    where like rubber meets the road. And you know, like, I can't do all of these things, it is not possible. So what are my options in lightening the load so that I can make this more realistic? And that's where we need to ask for help. T Patricia Sung 01:30 he second frequently asked question is like, Okay, well hold up here you have talked all about and the things that we're doing, but like, what about the things that I want to do? Like, I want to go, you know, have quiet time every day, or I want to go, you know, work out every day, or I want to take up a new hobby, or I want to start a new business. Patricia Sung 01:53 It's like, yeah, we do we want to grow and we want to change we want to improve. Once your existing rhythms and schedule feels sturdy to you, then you can add on new goals. Because as this schedule settles in, and you start offloading the things that don't need to be you you start training your kids how to do more things you get your spouse to do parts of it that they can take over. Patricia Sung 02:19 You create efficiencies in realizing where you can combine things together that we're taking you longer can now be done faster, because you're being more efficient. Just remember, for every minute that you plan, you save 10 minutes down the road. So if you're planning your week, you're going to be saving so much more time so that that will create more time in your schedule, because you have planned and you're not making like three extra grocery runs when you realize you forgot the chicken for dinner. Patricia Sung 02:49 Or, you know, I forgot to wrap that present for the birthday party. Now I gotta go get wrapping paper, like all those little things add up. So as you're creating these efficiencies, because you have a plan, you will create more space to do other things. I know several hard turn it in. But let's try not to add those new things in until what you're doing feels sturdy, it doesn't have to feel perfect, it doesn't have to be like running completely on autopilot. Patricia Sung 03:20 But once you have created a system that makes sense for what you're already doing, then you can see where you can modify where you have room for stuff or you don't have room for staff. So know that that that is coming and you will be able to do those things in time. nary now, but very soon you will have the bandwidth to add those new things. Okay, so there are two frequently asked questions that I get quite a bit when we hit this point in the learning.