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Art and World War I: Futurism and Dadaism

April 12, 2012

Art and World War I: Futurism and Dadaism

Lecture given Thursday April 12, 2012.


April 12, 2012

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  2. Figure 2. Moulage (painted plaster), Mus:e du Val-de-GrAce, Paris. Photo

    courtesy of Musce du service de sant6 des Arm6es, Val-de-GrAce, Paris. I C . . ALL L.. ? ? .bO'/zLLECIN'N"O (%\$;%0#0$)=$B%"$/&[."/@03$c%*8'@8H"%;@$ [email protected]$;:$4<4N$
  3. it visible. In its formation of an aesthetic practice aimed

    at critiquing ...... ..... ',? ,% Figure 3. Pair of moulages (painted wax), Musee du Val-de-Grace, Paris. Photo courtesy of Musee du service de sante des Armees, Val-de-Grace, Paris. (%\$;%0#0$)=$B%"$/&[."/@03$c%*8'@8H"%;@$ [email protected]$;:$4<4N$
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