often think about individual development, there is strong evidence that we have a collective nervous system. Research from ESADE Business School found that transformational leaders not only regulated their own nervous systems better, they also helped to regulate others. Polyvagal Theory can help organizations design environments to tap into the adaptive capacities of this collective nervous system in safety, crisis and trauma. • When socially engaged, we feel safe and have capacity for communication, lateral, divergent thinking and decision-making, and relating with trust • While activation of fight or flight responses improve reactive decision-making it can also limits feelings of trust, and cooperative, complex decision-making • When we freeze we dissociate, have less awareness and may even faint. This arises when there are no options to react appropriately to a fight or flight state A deeper understanding of these states can grow individual and organizational capacity to not merely manage away the discomforts of crisis, complexity, and trauma, but to work with them as integral and generative conditions to unleash adaptive leadership, sense-making, learning, resilience and innovation. Companies should actively look for ways to support and learn from self-regulating leaders and “positive deviants” who demonstrate the capacity to create psychological safety, work generatively with conflict and fight-or-flight behaviors in their teams and move toward chaos, crisis, and complexity with ease. #18: The Collective Nervous System 41 | All 3 states serve a purpose. Adaptive leaders and organizations have greater capacity to be in all states, self-regulate in all states, and support regulation of others’ nervous systems in all states. GROW CAPACITY FOR ALL STATES Nita Baum b*free Indie Status: 13 years