Scott Sullivan, LPK
ProfsoUX 2019
The presentation is targeted for mid-level to advanced human-centered designers, who want to meaningfully contribute to projects that involve Machine Learning.
AI is arguably the most significant advancement in technology since the internet, it’s currently transforming everything we touch from text translation, to the core architecture of Netflix’s entire product offering. In the rapidly changing competitive business landscape, there are massive opportunities for the automation of services that used to be labor intensive, but beyond automation, there is a new frontier of innovative services, that have no resemblance to current digital offerings.
In his new talk, Scott Sullivan, Director of User Experience at LPK, will give an overview of what’s currently possible with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, and outline the outcome-based opportunities of the emerging technology. Beyond the basics, Scott will outline UX’s role and relationship with Machine Learning/AI, and delve in to the ethics and pitfalls of AI and behavior change.