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RAKSUL Introduction / English Ver.

May 22, 2024

RAKSUL Introduction / English Ver.


May 22, 2024

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  1. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. 2 Index Company overview

    What is the RAKSUL GROUP? Raksul Novasell Working Environment Recruitment information Engineering Organization
  2. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved.     Japan Global

    In preparation   RAKSUL Group 5 Company overview Logistics Industry Corporate IT Industry Printing Industry (Sales Promotion and Administrative Budget) Printing Industry R&D Base Advertising Industry Overseas Base
  3. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. Company Name Listed Market

    Headquarters Established Representative Company Overview 6 RAKSUL INC. Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market 1st Floor, IK Building, 2-24-9 Kamiosaki Shinagawaku, Tokyo 141-0021 JAPAN September 1, 2009 Yo Nagami, Representative Director, President and CEO Company overview
  4. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. 2020 2022 2021 2023

    *(1) Average annual growth rate from FY07/2020 to FY07/2023 *(2) Full-time employees of RAKSUL, Novasell, and Overseas development bases (unconsolidated) as of July 31, 2023 *(3) RAKSUL, Novasell, and Overseas development bases (unconsolidated) Head count as of July 31, 2023 for full-time employees, contract employees, and part-time employees/part-time employees 7 Company overview 2022 2021 Average age Average growth rate Net sales  (Millions of yen) 2020 2023 33,980 25,523 19,434 41,018 484 342 265 533 Number of employees 32.9 CAGR + 28% 533 Annual changes (Personnel) Raksul Group in figures *(1) *(2) *(3)
  5. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. We continue to take

    on the challenge of industrial transformation in order to realize our vision Since our founding in 2009, we have been committed to our vision of "BETTER SYSTEMS, BETTER WORLD", bringing the Internet to traditional industries that have not yet been digitized, as well as growing into a portfolio company with businesses in multiple domains, such as RAKSUL for printing and customer attraction support, HACOBELL for logistics, Novasell for advertising, and JOSYS for corporate IT. In the future, in addition to launching businesses in-house, we are looking to expand our business through continuous M&A. 10 What is RAKSUL GROUP? Industrial Transformation Initiatives in the RAKSUL Group ・Entry into the mass advertising/digital advertising budget area ・Enterprise SaaS business model development Business expansion in the general affairs / procurement budget area ・Entry into the IT budget area ・Enterprise SaaS business model development ・Global Challenges ・Entry into the digital sales promotion budget area  Develop PLG (Product Led Growth) SaaS business model ・Entry into the logistics budget area ・Horizontal expansion of the matching business model Business expansion in on-demand printing area Future New Business Future New Business Future New Business Future New Business
  6. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. BPO EC/Marketplace SaaS Services

    provided by the RAKSUL Group 11 What is RAKSUL GROUP? We create customer value by providing EC/Marketplace, SaaS, and BPO We are transforming traditional industrial structures through the provision of EC/Marketplace and promoting DX of corporate activities through the use of SaaS software. Furthermore, we are eliminating inefficiencies in transactions and operations by undertaking operational issues identified in the process of transformation as BPO. Through a combination of these efforts, we continue to change the way the industry itself operates. We provide a platform that allows transactions to be completed online, eliminating inefficiencies in trading. We provide software that streamlines customer/supplier operations occurring before and after a transaction, minimizing inefficiencies in the business. We eliminate inefficiencies in transactions and operations by undertaking customer/supplier operational tasks that occur before and after transactions.
  7. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. We will introduce a

    case study of Raksul, which transformed the printing industry through building an EC/Marketplace and utilizing SaaS/BPO RAKSUL, a platform for printing and customer attraction support, has automated not only ordering and sales over the Internet, but also inefficient human operations in the process from order to delivery. This makes it possible for anyone to easily order printed materials over the Internet without specialized knowledge or skills, and to receive them quickly and inexpensively with consistent quality. 12 What is RAKSUL GROUP? Examples of the RAKSUL Group's transformation Existing print industry ・Design and production services ・Quotations and custom orders Genetic and complex process ・Matching function ・Optimal ordering algorithm ・Online design ・Automated checking of submitted data ・Corporate printing services Improved transaction efficiency cost reduction improvement in user-friendliness EC / Marketplace SaaS BPO
  8. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. In the short term,

    we will achieve growth by leveraging our existing customer/business base in the following two ways 13 1. Expansion of territory through new       businesses and acquisitions We will expand our business areas by launching new businesses in-house and through the use of M&A. First, we will promote expansion mainly in areas with high synergy with existing businesses (general affairs and procurement areas/sales promotion and advertising areas), where cross-selling to customers and utilization of the common settlement platform, which is currently being developed, are expected, to strengthen existing businesses. 2. Customer Segment Expansion Up to now, our customer base has mainly consisted of small and medium-sized companies and personal business owners. Starting with "RAKSUL Enterprise," which we are currently developing, we will further focus on services for large companies in the future to promote growth through expansion of our target customers. What is RAKSUL GROUP? Future Direction of the RAKSUL Group <Short-term> Sales Promotion and Advertising Area 7.3 trillion yen General Affairs and Procurement Area 3.7trillion yen 1. Area Extension Enterprises Small to Medium Businesses Personal Businesses 2. Segment Expansion
  9. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. We will work on

    more industrial transformation beyond the surrounding areas of our existing businesses, such as the printing and advertising industries In the medium term, we will increase the number of target areas for industrial transformation, with a focus on "traditional industries" and "BtoB transactions. In the process, we will invest in technology infrastructure and integrate our customer base and payment infrastructure to provide a smooth purchasing experience for our customers. In addition, we will achieve industry transformation and empowerment by addressing an industry that is highly complex and challenging to digitalize. 14 What is RAKSUL GROUP? Future Direction of the RAKSUL Group <Medium-term> Payment Infrastructure Customer Base Printing Industry (Sales Promotion and General Affairs Budget) Advertising Industry (Adverting Budget) New Areas Attracting and Promoting Customers Packaging Materials Promotional Printed Materials Apparel Store Supplies Business Supplies Novelty Website Web Advertisement Cab Advertisement TVCM
  10. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. We aim to provide

    a system that facilitates business transactions by focusing on the large market of "indirect materials and services" In the long term, we will focus on the large market of indirect materials and services, which is estimated to be worth approximately 140 trillion yen, and provide not only the order and supply platform that we currently offer, but also a system that facilitates business transactions. We aim to transform inefficiencies in business transactions and create a world where people can buy what they want and manage their transactions in a one-stop, convenient manner as a "hub for transactions necessary for business". Manufacturing & Shipping Information Systems Future Direction of the RAKSUL Group <Long-term> 15 What is RAKSUL GROUP?   Order and Supply Platform Sales & Marketing Accounting & Legal Purchasing and Procurement General Affairs Workflow management etc. Merchandise management Order and contractor management, etc. Shipping management etc. Manufacturing management Contract management Invoice management Process management Order management Transaction management Deposit, Withdrawal, Balance management, etc. Creative and material management, etc. Customer management, advertising budget management Account management Infrastructure management etc. Device management IT equipment procurement management Office work and document management
  11. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. Reality Seeing the situation

    in the field with one's own eyes, and setting issues based on the information one has experienced and grasped. Going through a trial-and-error process, which can be called "small experiments," to make uncertain things certain. Being able to prioritize issues correctly after working on the above. Leading to the solution of issues through advanced technology and structuring. Eliminating inefficiencies and improve productivity. Proposing effective approaches based on original ideas and ingenuity. Creating an environment where information asymmetry does not exist. Disclosing the background and context of decision-making and ensuring transparency in information sharing. Clarifying each member's mission and area of responsibility, and creating a team that delegates work to each other. Recruiting, promoting and building a strong team that maximizes member results. Ensuring team success by onboarding members, providing appropriate feedback, and maintaining motivation. System Transparency Team first Sources of Value Creation in the RAKSUL Group (1/2) 16 What is RAKSUL GROUP? *(1) Each member understands the essence of "RAKSUL Style," our action guideline, and puts it into practice in daily work and decision-making situations *(1) Only for RAKSUL Corporation and Novasell Corporation
  12. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. 17 Sources of Value

    Creation in the RAKSUL Group (2/2) What is RAKSUL GROUP? Biz×Tech×Ope co-creates team structure to provide the best solutions. The RAKSUL Group creates value through the collaboration of three teams: "Biz," which identifies issues with high resolution and establishes a path for industrial transformation; "Product & Tech," which solves complex and intricate industrial issues with the power of technology and design; and "Ope," which faces users and leads them to the utilization and operation of efficient systems. Identifying issues with high resolution and establishing a path for industrial transformation Working face to face with users, leading to efficient utilization and operation of the system Solving complex and intricate industrial issues through the power of technology and design Product & Technology Biz Operation
  13. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. Printing and Customer Attraction

    Support Platform RAKSUL has established a "Printing and Customer Attraction Support Platform" and is developing services in online printing and related areas while working to transform the structure of the industry. For many years, the printing industry had a multiple subcontractor structure in which the two major printing companies held almost half of the market, and 60-70% of the projects were subcontracted to more than 30,000 small and medium-sized printing companies. This structure resulted in low production efficiency due to unstable utilization rates, making it difficult to invest in technology and equipment. In response, RAKSUL has established a system that uses the Internet to optimally match users who wish to print with affiliated printing companies nationwide. This has created a mutually beneficial relationship whereby customers enjoy high-quality services and printing companies receive more projects and stable earnings. In addition, technology has made it possible to improve the efficiency of printing methods and speed checks of submitted data, and we are expanding our services to include large companies, novelties, postings, direct mail (DM), and packaging materials. We will continue to create synergies through M&A and business alliances to create a customized EC platform that makes working people's lives easier. 19 Raksul Business https://recruit.raksul.com/story/3min-raksul/ https://recruit.raksul.com/story/about-riu-all/ 3 minutes to learn about RAKSUL Behind-the-scenes of the business explained
  14. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. 20 Mission Creating a

    customized EC platform that makes working people's lives easier Raksul Business
  15. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. 21 Services Raksul Business

    RAKSUL provides the following services with the aim of creating a customized e-commerce platform that makes working people's lives easier In order to fulfill our stated mission, we are currently promoting M&A as well as launching in-house production. Most recently, through M&A, we have expanded the scope of our services to include the areas of packaging materials and stamps. We will continue to develop more convenient services to provide a one-stop shop for all your business needs. Printing EC business Easy ordering service for flyers, brochures, business cards, and other printed materials on paper at the lowest prices in the industry. Customer attraction support business Services to help companies attract customers by combining various methods such as printed materials, promotional materials, newspaper inserts, direct mail, etc. Goods & novelties business Online ordering service for a wide variety of novelty goods, from a single piece Enterprise business Business support service for large companies that allows centralized management of printed materials and sales promotion-related operations Cardboard and packaging materials business Online service for ordering various sizes and types of cardboard boxes and packaging materials in small lots. Apparel & uniform business A service that allows customers to easily order apparel and uniforms in a wide variety of designs and sizes online, starting with a single piece. Seal & stamp EC mail-order business A service that makes it easy to order seals and stamps online, from a single piece, with a wide variety of designs and options to choose from.
  16. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. 22 Future Prospects We

    will focus on creating an increasingly convenient "customized EC platform" RAKSUL has developed a wide range of businesses starting with printing on paper, and has achieved significant growth, including becoming the No. 1 online printing EC site in Japan in terms of the number of members in November 2022. Going forward, we will focus on creating an increasingly convenient "customized EC platform”. We have already expanded beyond the commercial and office printing market into the office/industrial materials and customer attraction support areas, and we will continue to strengthen and expand these areas in the future. We aim to be the No. 1 business in each of these markets, each of which is said to be worth several hundred billion yen, and to create new value and improve convenience for our customers. In developing new markets, we will take on the challenge of launching businesses in-house and through M&A. In existing mature markets, we will achieve sustainable growth through business integration and the provision of new services. Through these efforts, RAKSUL aims to achieve further growth beyond the boundaries of the printing industry. Raksul Business Local marketing market Apparel market CMS printing market (content management system) Direct mail market Novelty market Cardboard market Customer attraction support area 1~2 trillion yen Office/Industrial materials 3~5 trillion yen New areas Reseller market Enterprise printing market SMB printing market Commercial & office  printing market  3 trillion yen
  17. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. 24 Novasell Business https://novasell.com/professional

    Create Results, not Advertisements We provide one-stop services for planning, production, airing, and analysis of TV commercials and other advertising, as well as optimizing and structuring all marketing operations with the power of people and data. Since our launch as an operational TV commercial service business, we have pioneered and developed the operational TV commercial market. While TV commercials have an overwhelming reach and are useful for improving brand image, they are expensive and cannot be measured or tracked in real time like web advertising, making it difficult for companies to use them effectively as a marketing tool. Novasell has confronted this issue by making it possible to measure the advertising effectiveness of TV commercials using "nominated searches", an indicator that had been considered difficult in the industry. We have named this "Operational TV Commercials", and have been working to optimize corporate marketing investments while developing related tools and services. Utilizing the foundation we have developed through our operational TV commercial service business, we currently provide comprehensive measures, effectiveness analysis, and improvement proposals that include not only TV commercials but also web marketing from a third-party perspective, helping companies to make accurate decisions on how to use their advertising expenditures and the prices of their proposals. In this way, we facilitate the marketing DX of advertiser companies and help them improve their productivity. We will continue to realize the "Marketing Democratization", aiming for a world in which everyone can understand the correct effectiveness and use marketing to its fullest. https://recruit.raksul.com/story/3min-novasell/ 3 minutes to learn about Novasell Launched “Novasell Professional”, an advertising consulting service from a third-party perspective.
  18. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. 26 Services We offer

    a variety of services with the aim of "Marketing Democratization" Novasell currently operates an advertising agency business that provides one-stop support for the planning, production, airing, and analysis of advertising videos centered on TV commercials, and a Marketing DX business that provides data-driven support for marketing from strategy formulation to execution. In addition, we have developed our own SaaS products such as "Novasell Analytics," "Nobishiro", and "Novasell Trend". By effectively combining and utilizing these products in both businesses, and by providing support and accompaniment, we maximize the results of corporate marketing activities. Advertising agency business One-stop support for planning, production, airing, and analysis of advertisements centered on TV commercials. Novasell Business Marketing DX business Support from marketing strategy development to execution. Nobishiro Ultra-fast qualitative and quantitative research service that can collect interviews and the opinions of 100 customers in as little as 20 minutes for use in business decisions. Novasell Trend A tool that allows you to instantly visualize what kind of commercials other companies have aired, in what slots, and how effective they have been. Novasell Analytics A tool that enables real-time visualization of the effects of TV commercials by area, program, and creative, which has been difficult in the past. SaaS products 広告主 調査パネル
  19. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. Direct communication between advertisers

    and ad agencies Black box status of marketing Advertiser Agency Evaluation Effectiveness analysis 27 Future Prospects As a "third agency", we bring results to corporate marketing activities from a "third perspective" Novasell has made significant contributions to the creation and development of the operational TV commercial market, and has developed and provided highly unique marketing-related tools and services. Going forward, Novasell will focus on leveraging this foundation to play the role of a "third agency" in supporting corporate marketing. In order to eliminate the "black box" status of marketing, we will develop an environment in which anyone can easily measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts by utilizing our customer data collection and analysis technologies and consulting services. In addition, to meet the needs of advertisers, Novasell will provide medium- to long-term support from a third-party perspective as the "third agency" and focus on structuring marketing operations to create an environment in which companies can strengthen their marketing on their own. Through these efforts, Novasell will continue to promote the "Marketing Democratization" and aim for a world where services around the world grow properly. Novasell Business Execution Creative production and program airing Planning Marketing strategy development Evaluation Effectiveness analysis Execution Planning Marketing strategy development Advertiser Agency Measure the marketing effects from an objective viewpoint as the "3rd agency" and support over the mid- to long-term
  20. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. In order to create

    a workplace where diverse employees can work with peace of mind and long-term success under fair opportunities, we are expanding our systems from three perspectives Welfare program (1/2) Flexible Work Hours System Employees can freely set their arrival and departure times and realize flexible work styles. Core hours are basically 11:00~16:00, and 10:00~16:00 only at the beginning of the week. *Depends on the course Rental Company Housing System We rent a rental property and lease it to our employees. The rent is deducted from the employee's salary, which reduces the amount of income and saves taxes. Childcare and Family Care Leave System Employees can take childcare and nursing care leave regardless of gender, position, age, or length of service. The leave can be taken smoothly from the desired date, and many employees have used this system. *Actual results of leave taken in 2022 Male employees: 73% (average of 34 days) / Female employees: 100% (average of 216 days) Maternity and childcare leave return-to-work bonus system We provide congratulatory money according to the number of days of maternity or childcare leave taken before and after childbirth. Employees are eligible to receive the money when they return to work after maternity or childcare leave. *Actual full salary for the period of maternity or childcare leave Male employees: up to approximately 2 months (within 6 months of childbirth) / Female employees: up to approximately 8 months Celebration, Condolence, and Sympathy Payments System We pay a certain amount of money to employees for celebrations and condolences of employees and their family members. Employees with same-sex partners are also eligible to use this system. Company-led Daycare Center Usage System Employees can use childcare services by making a direct contract with a daycare center without going through the local government. Employees with children between the ages of 0 and 2 can use this system. Cabinet Office Babysitter Discount Coupon System This system offers a discount of ¥2,200 per babysitter per child. If you have two eligible children, you can receive a subsidy of 4,400 yen. 1. Supporting Diverse Human Resources and Work Styles 29 Working Environment
  21. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. 30 Working Environment 2.

    Supporting Career Development 3. Praise for Contribution Skill Improvement Support System The company will pay up to 15,000 yen (excluding tax) per person per year to attend outside seminars and training, attend language schools, take certification exams, and purchase textbooks for those exams, if the company approves. Employees can voluntarily improve their skills. *Depends on the course Language Acquisition Support Employees can take English lessons with a full-time in-house English instructor. One-on-one or group lessons are available free of charge during working hours. *Applicable only to some eligible employees. Unlimited Technical Book Purchase Program This is a system that allows the purchase of technical books when approved by the company. Employees can voluntarily improve their skills. *Engineers, Designers, and PdMs are eligible for this program Thanks Holiday Program This system grants Thanks Holiday leave for the purpose of refreshment, health maintenance, and self-development, depending on the employee's years of service. The leave can be taken as special leave (with pay). Long-Term Service Celebration Reward Program This program recognizes employees for their long-term service. Employees who have been with the company for 5 or 10 years will receive a reward. We value a corporate culture that supports career development and celebrates contributions Welfare program (2/2)
  22. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. Development of Environmentally Conscious

    Commercial Materials In our packaging material service, we are promoting sustainability and SDGs initiatives through environmentally friendly packaging and cushioning materials. The company is a one-stop shop for planning, development, and production of cardboard made of FSC®-certified paper, thereby optimizing transaction costs and making a price contribution to customers. The company also reuses cutting scraps and used paper from printing companies to develop environmentally friendly products such as Arrow Air Cushion, a cushioning material that contains no harmful chemical substances. 31 Efficient Use of Paper Resources In our printing services, we are committed to efficient use of paper resources. In normal printing, multiple copies of the same document are printed and cut on paper that is large enough to print eight A4 sheets, but sometimes more is printed than necessary, especially during the trial printing process. We reduce the use of paper by creating printing data for projects ordered from all over the country on our EC site in a combination that minimizes waste. Specific initiatives in RAKSUL Response to TCFD Recommendations  In April 2021, we announced our support for the recommendations of the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure) and joined the TCFD Consortium, which consists of companies and financial institutions that support the TCFD's recommendations. We are striving to enhance disclosure of climate change-related information based on the TCFD recommendations. Responding to Climate Change We are committed to contributing to the realization of a sustainable society by addressing climate change as one of our management issues. Through the following initiatives, we aim to both reduce our environmental impact and increase our corporate value. ・We will measure and disclose the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from our activities and services. ・We will support the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in our activities and improve energy efficiency throughout the value chain. RAKSUL Sustainability (1/3) Working Environment Environment We have been conducting our corporate activities with the wish to "make the world a better place" in our stated vision We will promote various initiatives to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society
  23. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. 32 Organizational Structure Guidance

    is set to eliminate discrimination and prejudice based on attributes (gender, nationality, age, religion, etc.) and foster a corporate culture that respects diverse values and perspectives. Training To create an organization and culture that embraces diversity, we conduct diversity training such as unconscious bias training and leadership training. System We are striving to create an environment where employees can take on challenges with peace of mind in response to their life stages and changes in the external environment, including a maternity and childcare leave return-to-work bonus (guaranteed salary during maternity leave) and benefits for employees with same-sex partners. Working Environment RAKSUL Sustainability (2/3) Organization We are working to promote diversity equity and inclusion (DEI) with the aim of realizing a company and society where each individual can respect each other, feel safe, and play an active role in his or her own way
  24. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. THE USE BY RAKSUL

    INC. OF ANY MSCI ESG RESEARCH LLC OR ITS AFFILIATES (“MSCI”) DATA, AND THE USE OF MSCI LOGOS, TRADEMARKS, SERVICE MARKS OR INDEX NAMES HEREIN, DO NOT CONSTITUTE A SPONSORSHIP, ENDORSEMENT, RECOMMENDATION, OR PROMOTION OF RAKSUL INC. BY MSCI. MSCI SERVICES AND DATA ARE THE PROPERTY OF MSCI OR ITS INFORMATION PROVIDERS, AND ARE PROVIDED ‘AS-IS’ AND WITHOUT WARRANTY. MSCI NAMES AND LOGOS ARE TRADEMARKS OR SERVICE MARKS OF MSCI. FTSE Russell (a registered trademark of FTSE International Limited and Frank Russell Company) hereby certifies that RAKSUL Inc. has met the requirements for inclusion in the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index as a result of an independent research and has been selected as a constituent of the index. The FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index is widely used to create and evaluate sustainable investment funds and other financial products. FTSE Russell (a registered trademark of FTSE International Limited and Frank Russell Company) hereby certifies that RAKSUL Inc. met the requirements for inclusion in the FTSE Blossom Japan Index as a result of independent research and has been selected as a constituent of the index. The FTSE Blossom Japan Index is created by FTSE Russell, a global index provider, and is designed to measure the performance of Japanese companies that demonstrate excellence in environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. The FTSE Blossom Japan Index is widely used to create and evaluate sustainable investment funds and other financial products. 33 Working Environment We received an "A" in the MSCI ESG ratin As of 2023, RAKSUL INC. received an MSCI ESG Rating of A We were selected for the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index Developed by FTSE Russell, a member of the London Stock Exchange Group, this index is composed of Japanese companies that demonstrate outstanding environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance in their respective sectors. We have been included in the index since April 2022. We were selected for the FTSE Blossom Japan Index Developed by FTSE Russell, a member of the London Stock Exchange Group, the index is composed of Japanese companies with excellent ESG performance. We have been included in the index since June 2023. RAKSUL Sustainability (3/3) ESG評価 We have been evaluated by an external evaluation organization for our sustainability initiatives
  25. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. 34 Office Headquarter(Meguro office)

    1F IK bldg., 2-24-9 Kami-Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo Kyoto Office 4F Shijo KM bldg., 100-1 Tachiurinakanocho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto Kanazawa Office 4-133 Kuratsuki,Kanazawa-shi, Ishikawa Working Environment As of February 2024
  26. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. 35 New Office Head

    office to be relocated to "Azabudai Hills Mori JP Tower" in January 2025 This is the first head office relocation in about 10 years, with the main purpose of fostering a sense of unity throughout the RAKSUL Group, creating more synergy, and pursuing the ideal of "hybrid work" in the post-Corona era. The relocation project is also underway, with a survey of the employees regarding their "ideal office" and a detailed design in order to create a more comfortable, sophisticated, and easy-to-work-in office. Working Environment Azabudai Office Azabudai Hills Mori JP Tower, 1-3-1 Azabudai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 4 minutes walk from Exit 2 of Roppongi-itchome Station on Tokyo Metro Namboku Line Direct access from Exit 5 of Kamiyacho Station on Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line
  27. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. 37 ・Career aspirations ・Experience,

    etc. ・Past Activities ・Compatibility with the     environment, etc. RAKSUL gain a better understandig ・Thinking process ・Direction of interest, etc. Career aspirations upon joining RAKSUL, etc. ※We will ask for references when hiring people who are equivalent to department heads and above.  Before the final selection phase, please introduce us to your supervisor or someone diagonally above you with whom you had a business relationship in the past.  Please consult with us, if there is no one who corresponds to your needs. Recruitment information We place a high priority on developing mutual understanding Interview Work Sample Recruitment Process Reference Check Final interview/Offer ・Business description,    corporate culture ・Position openings, etc. ・Business Image ・Team atmosphere, etc. We can set up interviews with employees upon request. ・Offer conditions ・Post-employment image,    etc. You gain a better understandig
  28. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. 38 More about RAKSUL

    RAKSUL TechBlog https://techblog.raksul.com/ RAKSUL DESIGN MAGAZINE https://note.com/raksuldesign/m/m8408a8ccc1bc Recruit Site https://recruit.raksul.com/ Corporate Site https://corp.raksul.com/ Job List Page https://hrmos.co/pages/raksul IR https://corp.raksul.com/ir/ library/integratedreport/ Recruitment information Links
  29. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. Value Creation for Technology

    Organizations We will realize our vision of "BETTER SYSTEMS, BETTER WORLD" through a deep understanding of industries and by providing scalable (flexible and expandable) systems using technology. In the industries we work with, we will find areas for change in "operations that traditionally required human intervention," and by thoroughly automating them, we will promote the efficiency of the industry as a whole and modernize it. 40 Engineering Culture The world of "thorough automation and efficiency" is a complex challenge for RAKSUL. The complexity of the process is what allows us to build a unique position with high barriers to entry. We understand that challenges do not always lead to success and that failure is always a possibility, yet we will strive to work together with our colleagues to open up new possibilities beyond the conventional framework. In order to improve the efficiency of "operations designed on the premise of human intervention", it is necessary to skillfully combine customer issues with solutions. To this end, we not only "identify issues" by gaining a deep understanding of current operations and flow sequences, but also determine "how to realize" them in terms of feasibility and put them into action, making full use of our knowledge of the latest technologies. The concept of "scalability" is extremely important in improving the efficiency of an entire industry. If the efficiency and structure are not improved to the extent that they can be expanded horizontally, the industry will revert back to the conventional "human intervention" state. We will build a highly scalable structure that thoroughly eliminates the need for human intervention, and by making it possible to integrate various RAKSUL-related services and their infrastructures, we will create a highly versatile structure that can be used worldwide. Make it Scalable Think Architecturally Go Beyond Engineering Organization
  30. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. 41 Global Engineer Organization

    Engineering Organization We established a development base in Vietnam in 2020 The percentage of foreign nationals in the company's engineering organization has grown to about one-third, and about half of the product team is a mix of Vietnamese and Japanese members. English is the common language of communication and active collaboration. Japan Only Product A Team Japan & Vietnam Product B Team Vietnam Product C Team Infrastructure (Across products)
  31. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. 42 Group Technology Synergy

    PMO / Rangers / M&A Common Infrastructure / Architecture Data Infrastructure / AI / R&D Infrastructure / SRE Overseas Development Bases Developer Relations / HRBP Design Engineering Organization We are maximizing group synergies to create long-term business value To this end, we have defined the following lateral functions and are accelerating our efforts across the entire company.
  32. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. Services born of challenge

    We continue to transform traditional industry practices and challenge developments that were considered difficult to achieve https://raksul.com/preflight/introduction/ Speed Data Check Reduce data verification, correction, and conversion from half a day to several minutes. This service checks printing data on the spot and optimizes it for printing at high speed. In the past, data was checked, corrected, and converted by an operator, which could take half a day to a day, causing delivery delays. With Speed Data Check, the time required to finalize data is now only a few minutes, a significant time saving. This has also led to the elimination of delivery delays. 43 Engineering Organization Optimal Order Optimal processing of combinations of "8 to the power of 400" in only 10 minutes. Optimal Ordering is a system that automatically optimizes "printing assortment x sorting", which is impossible with human labor. In order to provide high-quality printed materials at an overwhelmingly low price and to use paper efficiently and without waste, RAKSUL uses a method called "ganging", in which multiple printed materials with different patterns and sizes are printed together as one. In the past, the entire process of ganging and sorting to the printing company was done manually by the staff in charge. However, since there are as many as 8 to the 400th power of matching and sorting, it was practically impossible to instantly find the most efficient method. To solve this problem, RAKSUL developed a function for optimal ordering and created a system that can complete the task of searching for the best combination from a huge number of combinations in just 10 minutes. This has created a virtuous cycle of increased efficiency as capacity has expanded, while at the same time realizing cost reductions. Novasell Trend Immediate visualization of the "effect" of other companies' commercials as well as the effect of your own commercials. Novasell Trend is a service that visualizes the search effectiveness of TV commercials for approximately 5,000 brands. In the past, measuring the effectiveness of a company's marketing activities required the analysis of a vast amount of data, which was time-consuming, and even after the data was collected, the effectiveness of the data was not known, so it could not be used to implement measures. However, with Novasell Trend, it is now possible to visualize the effects of other companies' CMs as well as their own, enabling marketers to formulate effective marketing strategies. In addition, the freemium approach has led many companies to maximize the effectiveness of their TV commercials. https://novasell.com/trend-freemium https://recruit.raksul.com/story/about-riu-6/
  33. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. 44 Hackathon “HackWeek” Engineering

    Organization In-house hackathons are held to conduct intensive development on a theme over a certain period of time Each year, engineers, designers, and PdMs who support the expansion of the RAKSUL Group participate in the program. Teams are formed freely, with members from different business units and from the usual development teams forming diverse teams to face new ideas. In the past, a variety of results have been produced, including internal tools and new services, and in some cases, ideas generated at HackWeek have led to actual businesses. This style of maximizing synergy and aiming for further growth is a unique feature of HackWeek conducted by the RAKSUL Group.
  34. © RAKSUL, inc. All rights reserved. 45 Technology Stacks https://www.docker.com

    https://www.terraform.io https://circleci.com https://www.jenkins.io https://clickup.com https://www.ruby-lang.org https://www.rust-lang.org https://go.dev https://www.python.org https://www.php.net https://rubyonrails.org https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers https://aws.amazon.com https://cloud.google.com https://azure.microsoft.com https://www.snowflake.com https://www.getdbt.com https://testcafe.io https://jestjs.io https://playwright.dev dbt https://jp.vuejs.org https://nuxtjs.org https://www.typescriptlang.org https://graphql.org https://ja.reactjs.org CircleCI Playwright JEST React https://github.co.jp https://www.notion.so https://slack.com Python Engineering Organization References Others Frontend Server Side Infrastructure Testing