on mixture models induced by a dependent Dirichlet process (DDP), which allows the entire distribution of the marker outcomes, in each population, to smoothly change as a function of covariates. → Let {(x01, Y01), . . . , (x0n0 , Y0n0 )} and {(x11, Y11), . . . , (x1n1 , Y1n1 )} be regression data for the non-diseased and diseased groups. → It is assumed that given the covariates, the marker outcomes in each population are independent and that Y0i | x0i ind ∼ F0(· | x0i ), i = 1, . . . , n0, Y1j | x1j ind ∼ F1(· | x1j ), j = 1, . . . , n1. Vanda Inácio (UoE) BNP Youden Index Regression July 3, 2017 9 / 21