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Laura Melian Gutierrez - Cognitive Radio in HF ...

November 06, 2014

Laura Melian Gutierrez - Cognitive Radio in HF Communications


November 06, 2014

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    65 people !  Staff((PhD):(((( ( ( ( (29( !  Staff((no(PhD): (((((( ( ( (((8( !  Hired((no(permanent(staff):( (16( !  MSc(students: ( ( ( (((6( !  BSc(students:( ( ( ( (((3( … and 12 external collaborators
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  3. IDeTIC:(Research(fields( 4( RF'Systems'&'Radar' Sensor'networking,' SmartSpaces'&'IoT' Automa.c'geoloca.on' of'wildfires' Mari.me' communica.ons'&' surveillance'

    Wireless'Photonics' &'InKhome' Services' IT'applied'to'Social' Sciences' Space'&'AircraL' Electronics' Biometrics'&' Signal'Processing'
  4. 66% 91% 57% 67% 87% 50% 77% 66% 91% 57%

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  5. HFDVL:(Real(Tests( 6( Tests done by the Spanish Department of Defense

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  6. HFSA_IDeTIC_F1_V01(Database( Spectrum(ac7vity(in(the(14(MHz(amateur(band.( •  Power(measurements(in(the(frequency(domain.( •  600(kHz(bandwidth((200(channels(simultaneously):( amateur(band(and(other(sta7ons.( •  Dura7on:(10(minutes.( • 

    Weekdays(&(Weekends.( •  Each(sample(represents(a(3kHz(channel(in(2(seconds.( 7( Yagi antenna Broad-band HF transceiver Spectrum power measurement Agilent Vector Signal Analyzer PC with: System Vue and VSA software
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    MHz 122.7 MHz 82-109 MHz BW 1 MHz 10.7 MHz Image-rejection Filter 3-30MHz Band Pass Filters 3-30MHz RF Amp ≤ 20 dB DDS Low Pass 10.7 MHz AGC ≤ 75 dB RS232   µController CARDS12  ADC BW = 1.0 MHz 112 MHz BW = 1.0 MHz 112 MHz 122.7 MHz 82-109 MHz BW 1 MHz 10.7 MHz BW 1 MHz 10.7 MHz Image-rejection Filter 3-30MHz Image-rejection Filter 3-30MHz Band Pass Filters 3-30MHz Band Pass Filters 3-30MHz RF Amp ≤ 20 dB ≤ 20 dB DDS Low Pass 10.7 MHz AGC ≤ 75 dB RS232   µController CARDS12 We(must(detect(and(mi7gate(in(the(analog(domain(
  8. 15( NBI(detec7on(in(wideband(HF(receivers( Linear(Measurement( Process( Φ( M x N transforma7on( (M

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  10. 17( NBI(detec7on(in(wideband(HF(receivers( y =(Compressive(Measurements ( ( (K =(Sparsity(level) ( Φ

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  11. Hidden(Markov(Model( 20( Hidden'Markov'Model' Doubly( embedded( stochas7c( process( with( an( underlying(

    stochas7c(process(that(is(not(observable((it(is(hidden),(but(it(can( only( be( observed( through( another( set( of( stochas7c( processes( that(produce(the(sequence(of(observa7ons.( ... Box 1 Box 2 Box N
  12. Data(segmenta7on( 22( 2 s. 1 minute 1 0 0 ...

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    ,π 1 ) Submodel 2 λ 2 = (A 2 ,B 2 ,π 2 ) Submodel 3 λ 3 = (A 3 ,B 3 ,π 3 ) P(O T |λ 2 ) P(O T |λ 3 ) P(O T |λ 1 ) B’ 11 B’ 22 B’ 33 High-level model New definition of the high-level model: Previous detected states High-level model λ = (A,B’,π) max(P(OT+1 |λ)) Predicted state B’ 11 0 0 0 B’ 22 0 0 0 B’ 33 B’ = O T Observations t (min) T T-1 Submodels t (min) T-1 T T-2 ... ST 24(
  14. HF(Spectrum(Ac7vity(Predic7on( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4

    6 8 10 12 14 16 Acquired knowledge (min.) Average error rate (%) Global performance Normal activity High activity 25(
  15. Outline( 26( Learning/( Knowledge(extrac7on( Spectrum( sensing( Wireless( receiver( Decision( making(

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