restriction. Later they whittle that number to three, spend more months on those three and then finally end up with one strong decision.” Helen Walters on Apple’s design process Helen Walters, Apple’s design process apples_design_p.html
maquettes. At first glance there appear to be perspex and foam models for dozens of projects - but close up you see they’re all clearly the same site, [...], modelled over and over again, with different arrangements and relationships of buildings.” William Wiles Inside OMA, William Wiles, Icon magazine, 146, 2011
were finished before the ideas for them had occurred to me. I shall not argue the point.” James Thurber Inside OMA, William Wiles, Icon magazine, 146, 2011
- We’re staying in the common response zone - We’re not saturating the design space The sketches must be unique, or else: - You’re iterating the same basic idea - You risk getting committed to one idea - You’re still in the common response zone Design studio: Idea Creation: Adapted from: Adapted from Jerome Ryckborst’s Five Sketches or Else Method (UPA 2008)
to help you designing your startup Sjors Timmer (shameless plug :) designing-your-startup