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gcloud move 10 times in 4 hours

gcloud move 10 times in 4 hours

Google Cloud Platform の機能を利用して、4時間のメンテナンスで 10 台のインスタンスのリージョン移行を成功裏に complete した話

Hisashi SOGA

September 26, 2017

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  1. gcloud move 10 times in 4 hours 2017/09/27 @sogaoh 1

    Presentation Slide at https://gcpug-tokyo.connpass.com/event/66224/
  2. ࣗݾ঺հ • ીզɹԝ / Hisashi SOGA – Twitter : @sogaohɹ,

    GitHub : sogaoh • Marketing Applications, Inc. / MApps – WebΞϯέʔτ࡞੒ɾ഑৴αʔϏε forSurvey – ए೥૚ճऩ਺ࠃ಺No.1ͷ MApps Panel • DevOpsਪਐࣨ – ࣄۀϦεΫ͔ΒձࣾΛकΔݱࡏ 5 ਓͷ Team – Data Center ͔Β Public Cloud ΁ͷҠసͳͲʹऔΓ૊Έத 3
  3. ͜͏΍ͬͨ • λʔϛφϧͱ؅ཧίϯιʔϧΛݟͳ͕Β • Global IPͷ༧໿ • Ҡߦͷ࣮ࢪ • Global

    IP ઃఆ • ҎԼͷॱͰ • db×2ɾnas • cache • web × 4 • httpproxyɾreverse-proxy 6 $ gcloud compute addresses create [static-ip-xxx] \ --region [Ҡߦઌregion] $ gcloud compute instances move [instance] \ --zone [Ҡߦݩ] --destination-zone [Ҡߦઌ] $ gcloud compute instances describe [instance] --zone [Ҡߦઌ] ɹɹɹɹɹ $ gcloud compute instances delete-access-config [instance] \ -zone [Ҡߦઌ] --access-config-name [֬ೝͨ͠name] $ gcloud compute instances add-access-config [instance] \ --zone [Ҡߦઌ] \ --access-config-name [༧໿ͨ͠GlobalIP໊] \ --address [IPΞυϨε]