Choice Freedom Equality 1. System • Hardware • Software • Peripherals • Installation Bare metal Desktop Laptop VM VirtualBox Qemu More than 35,000 packages TUI GUI Automated Class driver, firmware Choice Freedom Equality 11. Libreoffice / OpenOffice You don’t need to waste money or time on M$office export to PDF Import / export M$ .doc/.docx formats Choice Freedom Equality Begin participating today • Send an email to • Join the group • Visit the website Choice Freedom Equality join the community One Global Time UTC+0000 (10:00 – 11:30 hrs) for all Sessions, Events and Interactions (no exceptions) UTC-05:00 05:00 Toronto UTC-03:00 07:00 Sao Paulo UTC+00:00 10:00 -- Baseline -- UTC+00:00 10:00 London UTC+01:00 11:00 Berlin UTC+01:00 11:00 Stockholm UTC+03:00 13:00 Ankara UTC+04:00 14:00 Dubai UTC+05:00 15:00 Islamabad UTC+05:30 15:30 New Delhi UTC+06:00 16:00 Dhaka UTC+08:00 18:00 Beijing UTC+08:00 18:00 Kuala Lampur UTC+08:00 18:00 Jakarta UTC+08:00 18:00 Singapore free software JITSI ONLINE on web on android room: strikr password: AGPLv3 Screen sharing Audio Video Choice Freedom Equality Schedule (at a glance, every month) Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Modern C++20 Cloud Computing Container Native 150+ Sessions schedule W1 W2 W3 w4 Note: if there is a w5 (5th week) in a month the schedule continues on that week as well.