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CNCF Project Updates振り返りなど

CNCF Project Updates振り返りなど

nori suzuki (@szkn27)

November 27, 2019

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  1. Nori Suzuki (@szkn27, suzukin) - Cloud Advocate Program Manager, Microsoft.

    (2019-current) - Editor in chief, Think IT. (2014-2019) - an online media focus on Open Source Technology. - JapanContainerDays / CloudNativeDays Co-Comitter. (2018-current) - the biggest CloudNative Tech Conference in Japan. - DevRelCon Tokyo Co-Organizer (2017-current) かるーく自己紹介 #CNDK2019
  2. # 2019年1月までのまとめはこちらをチェック! https://qiita.com/zembutsu/items/57a1a6270491e8b2594f # CNCFの一大イベント KubeCon + CNCon - 2019/11

    KubeCon + CNCon NA 2019 (SanDiego) ←先週! - 2019/6 KubeCon + CNCon China 2019 - 2019/5 KubeCon + CNCon EU 2019 (Barcelona) - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 LinuxCon + ContainerCon NA 2016 - Cloud Native Day Toronto 2016 - https://cnd2016.sched.com/ CNCF主要プロジェクト動向まとめ #CNDK2019
  3. CNCF Announcements - Application Delivery SIG Sep 12 - CloudEvents

    Reaches Version 1.0 Oct 28 - Jaeger Graduation Oct 31 - Vitess Graduation Nov 5 - Helm Reaches Version 3 Nov 13 - - Fluentd Graduation April 11 - containerd Graduation February 28 - Cloud Native Network Functions (CNF) Testbed February 25 - CoreDNS Graduation January 24 https://www.cncf.io/newsroom/announcements/ #CNDK2019
  4. - CoreDNS (graduated) - Vitess (graduated) - Linkerd (incubating) -

    Helm (incubating) - Jaeger (graduated) - Open Policy Agent (incubating) - etcd (incubating) - CloudEvents (incubating) CNCF Project Updates by Bryan Liles - https://sched.co/UdPK - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=two3TzF9mVY #CNDK2019
  5. - A Linkerd in Production Workshop hosted by Buoyant -

    Akraino 5G MEC Hackathon hosted by LF Edge and Qualcomm - Anthos/GKE Workshop hosted by Google Cloud - Advanced Kubernetes Cert: Learn How to Build Your Next App with Kube, Istio, & Advanced Services like Watson hosted by IBM Cloud - Anthos Day by Google Cloud - AWS Container Day 2019 San Diego hosted by AWS - CalicoCon: Hands-On Workshops to Network, Secure, and Operationalize Your Cluster hosted by Tigera - Cloud Native CI/CD Summit hosted by Codefresh - Cloud Native Live: Evolving Security hosted by Prisma by Palo Alto Networks - Cloud Native Security Day Hosted by CNCF DAY ZERO CO-LOCATED EVENTS #CNDK2019 27->34 New Stay CNCF ※NA 2018との差分
  6. - Cloud Native Storage Day hosted by the CNS Ecosystem

    - CNCF End User Partner Summit - Continuous Delivery Summit hosted by Continuous Delivery Foundation - EnvoyCon 2019 hosted by CNCF - FoundationDB Summit hosted by CNCF - Google OSS Hands-on Workshop – Agones (Gaming), KNative (Serverless), and KubeFlow (MLOps) hosted by Google Cloud - Harbor Lunch & Learn Workshop hosted by VMware - Introduction to Containers and Kubernetes by VMware - KubeCon 2019 Kickoff Party hosted by Google and Fairwinds - Kubernetes 101 hosted by Nigel Poulton - Kubernetes: Application and Container Workflows hosted by VMware - Kubernetes Contributor Summit #CNDK2019
  7. - Kubernetes SIG Storage F2F Meeting - KubeSec Enterprise Summit

    hosted by Aqua Security, AWS, and Rancher - Modern Service Mesh and API Management hosted by Kong - MulticloudCon hosted by GitLab and Upbound - NSMCon hosted by the Network Service Mesh Community - Observability Practitioners Summit hosted by CNCF - Open Policy Agent Summit hosted by Styra - OpenShift Commons Gathering hosted by Red Hat - Serverless Practitioners Summit hosted by CNCF and Cloud Foundry Foundation - ServiceMeshCon hosted by CNCF - Spinnaker Summit 2019 hosted by Netflix, Google, and Armory - Your Path to Production Ready Kubernetes hosted by Weaveworks #CNDK2019
  8. - Ballerinacon - DigitalOcean TIDE: Kubernetes Unconference - Fast Data

    (FD.io) Project Mini Summit - Get Hands on with HPE Hybrid Cloud and Container Solutions - Kubernetes Operator Framework Workshop - The Cloud Native Culture & Industry Summit by Oracle - The GAME CHANGER– Navigating Container and Kubernetes by Verizon - Tungsten Fabric Developers Summit #CNDK2019
  9. まとめ - Kubernetesがすべてじゃないけど、エコシステムはさらに拡大中 - 筋の良いプロジェクトとは? 私見 - コミュニティ・コアメンバーの動向、ベンダーの動向、 CNCF内での位置付け -

    CNCFプロジェクトはTOCの動きを要チェック - https://github.com/cncf/toc/projects - このエコシステムに食い込んでいく国産プロジェクトはよ - 時間なくて調べられなかったネタ(あとで深堀りたい - Knativeコミュニティのその後 - Vitessのgraduation早すぎでは(Proposal提出から1ヶ月以内) - https://github.com/cncf/toc/pull/306 - https://www.cncf.io/announcement/2019/11/05/cloud-native-computing-foundation-announces-vitess-graduation/ #CNDK2019