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AECOM - Delivering a Better Texas

AECOM - Delivering a Better Texas

More Decks by Texas Natural Resources Information System

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  1. Delivering a Be,er Texas Through StratMap and AECOM Geospatial Solutions

    John Knowlton, Zsolt Nagy, and Kris4 Teykl July 2016
  2. Agenda •  AECOM – Built to Deliver a BeFer Texas

    •  Why we do what we do? •  How we do what we do? •  StratMap and AECOM Geospa4al Solu4ons •  Geospa4al Data Products (Category 1) •  Custom Geospa4al Data and Services (Category 2) •  Ques4ons and Group Discussion
  3. •  AECOM and its team members have been suppor4ng acquisi4on,

    processing, quality assurance, and value added services for the State of Texas for several decades •  Owned and operated aircraX and sensors •  Extensive staff creden4als include cer4fied photogrammetrists, LiDAR specialists, professional land surveyors •  The AECOM Aus4n and Germantown, MD teams have worked with TNRIS since 2009 •  15+ task orders completed AECOM Team Geospa>al Exper>se
  4. •  Full Complement of Image Sensors •  Digital & Film

    •  Natural color & Color infrared •  Thermal •  Hyperspectral •  Wide Range of Resolu4ons •  1cm – 1m ground sample distance (GSD) •  Manned or Unmanned Airframes •  Small Areas to Statewide Coverage •  Typical Outputs: •  Orthoimagery •  Planimetric and Topographic mapping Geospa>al Products - Aerial Imagery 2.5cm GSD UAS Image
  5. •  Team member CompassData is an authorized reseller of Digital

    Globe imagery •  0.3 - 0.6m GSD •  Panchroma4c, natural color, color infrared, or 4-band pan sharpened •  1.6m – 2.4m GSD •  mul4spectral •  Addi4onal AECOM Capabili4es •  Archival image search •  Order future satellite tasking •  Orthorec4fica4on, mosaic crea4on, color balancing, enhancement •  Imagery assessment and data extrac4on Geospa>al Products - Satellite Imagery 1.4ft GSD Satellite Image
  6. Cost effec4ve means to perform, assess, or extract wide range

    of informa4on over large areas: •  Feature Data •  Air Quality •  Change detec4on •  Environmental and Social Impact Assessments •  Environmental Disaster Response monitoring •  Forest Canopy Health assessments •  Power Line rou4ng studies •  Land Use/Land Cover •  Natural Resources •  Geology •  ReseFlement •  Water U4liza4on •  Wetland Mapping •  Etc… Satellite Imagery Applica>ons
  7. •  CompassData’s Global Ground Control archive exceeds 40,000 GCPs • 

    Over 1800 GCPs available in Texas •  Accuracies range from 1cm to 70cm •  Able to support a variety of data extrac4on and accuracy assessments, satellite imagery processing in par4cular Geospa>al Products – Cost Effec>ve Exis>ng Ground Control Archive
  8. •  Aerial •  Small to large area acquisi4on •  Fixed

    wing Lidar – 1 - 8 pts/m2 •  Geiger/Single Photon – 12+ pts/m2 •  Stand Alone or LiDAR/Image Capture •  Mobile •  Car, Van, ATV, Boat or Rail Car Configura4ons •  Engineering and Asset Mapping •  Terrestrial •  Highly Dense, Input for BIM Geospa>al Products – LiDAR Sensor Technologies
  9. Wide range of applica4ons: •  Bare Earth Surface •  Onshore

    H&H modelling •  Forest Canopy Studies and Specia4on •  Offshore Bathymetry & Flooding Analysis •  Mobile Mapping •  Line of Sight Analysis •  Disaster planning and assessment LiDAR Applica>ons
  10. •  Not all LiDAR sensors are created equal •  2015

    USGS funded a pilot study comparing Single Photon LiDAR (SPL), Geiger Mode LiDAR (GML), and Tradi4onal LiDAR sensors •  End user needs should influence sensor choice •  AECOM team uniquely posi4oned to provide most effec4ve solu4on Next Genera>on LiDAR Sensor Canopy Penetra>on, Density, and Accuracy Comparison Red= SPL DSM, Green= GML DSM, Blue= QL2 DSM
  11. •  LiDAR sensor designed to be operated at very high

    al4tude •  Wide swath, fewer flight lines •  Sensor capable of laser beam spliqng and recording •  Hundreds to thousands of ground point measurements from a single laser pulse •  Ultra dense point cloud nearing terrestrial LiDAR point densi4es •  Water penetra4on (SPL only) •  Green laser penetrates water up to 13 meters Single Photon LiDAR and Geiger Mode LiDAR DSM + water surface DEM - water surface
  12. Case Study – Leveraging Exis>ng Aerial Imagery & LiDAR data

    to Detect Grass Channels, State of Maryland •  Innova4ve semi-automated approach to locate grass channels along roads using LiDAR and aerial imagery •  Tradi4onal approach employing field surveys and H&H modelling imprac4cal and cost prohibi4ve •  Benefits of approach •  Schedule -Tradi4onal methods – 42 months -AECOM protocol – 14 months •  Cost savings -$2.875M •  Project implemented statewide
  13. •  Small Project Areas •  Typically ±100 acres •  Most

    flying imagery sensors •  New FAA rules greatly improve the ability to operate and may apply downward pressure on costs •  Typical Accuracy •  0.1’ - 0.5’ H/V using survey control •  Typical Outputs •  0.1’ – 0.2’ GSD orthomosaic •  Bare earth DEM •  Vector mapping Geospa>al Products - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAS)
  14. Custom Geospa>al Data and Services •  Two Topics for Today

    •  Eleva4on – Hydrography (Ele-Hydro) •  Hydrography Requirements and Benefits Study (Texas) •  Current Approaches to Ele-Hydro-NHD •  Risk Products and Services •  FRIS •  iRISK •  Structures, AFribu4on, Confla4on •  Digital Vision
  15. •  Preliminary Report issued June 2016 •  USGS Study funded

    by NRCS •  Establish Business Uses and Requirements •  Par4cipa4on •  21 federal agencies •  50 states •  53 local agencies •  8 Tribal •  Others •  420 Mission Cri4cal Ac4vi4es •  Spa4al Extent of MCA’s based on HUC- 8 sub basins Hydrography Requirements and Benefits Study (HRBS)
  16. •  Texas MCA’s •  Authorita4ve Source Data Dissemina4on •  Coastal

    Resource Management and Protec4on •  Implemen4ng Programs of the Clean Water Act •  Natural Resource Iden4ficaton and Conserva4on •  Science Based Decision Making •  Surface Water Data Colleciton and Analysis •  Sustaining Healthy Water and EcoSystems •  Water Rights Permiqng and Administra4on HRBS and Texas Mission Cri>cal Ac>vi>es
  17. •  Es4mated new benefits = $14.9M annually •  Some ”Required”

    Ra4ngs •  Ele and Hydro Datasets Synchronized •  Ele and Hydro co-exist in common data model •  Ele and Hydro represent similar point in 4me •  Ele and Hydro delivered in unison •  Some other requirements from MCA •  Update frequency 2-6 year, 10 year •  +/- 3 feet posi4onal accuracy to +/-40 feet •  Smallest water body 1-2 acre, 5 acre •  Smallest Contribu4ng Area 6 acres, 64K acres HRBS and Texas Characteriza>ons (a few of many)
  18. •  A pilot study to refine project scope, specifica4ons with

    user base •  Base Data Collec4on and Prepara4on •  LiDAR, imagery, exis4ng NHD, local hydro and stormwater data, dams, etc. •  Generate Terrain Reference Files •  Local-Res NHD Linework Using Reference Files –  Confla4on / AFribu4on for GNIS, Na4onal Map, Reach Numbers, Upload to Na4onal Map, TNRIS, as steward or through steward AECOM Experience with Ele-Hydro (Since 2006)
  19. Eleva>on and Hydrography Belong Together •  Improve techniques for automated

    extraction •  Improve techniques for automated conflation/ replacement •  Develop services and staged product extractions based on data model Future State •  Hydrography data are acquired from lidar source •  Integrated Z values •  Integrated data model with 3DEP •  Data model can relay hydro, 3DEP, or both •  Interoperability between NHD, WBD, 3DEP, StreamStats •  Produce 20% of CONUS lidar derived hydrography •  Produce 10% of CONUS lidar-derived NHD+ •  Establish volunteer committees •  Establish breakline committee •  Event migration for generalization capability •  NHD+HR pilot apps •  Elehydro research (Committee) • Begin to develop integrated data model Major Actions Early Stages of Development and Planning Draft Timeline, V. Lukas, USGS, March 2016