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Toshikazu SETO

August 18, 2017

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  1. 2017/08/18 State  of  the  Map  2017  Lightning  Talk 1 Evaluation

     of  the  data  update  frequency   and  user  interaction  of  OSM  in  Japan:   Case  study  of  OSM-‐‑‒Note 5PTIJLB[V4FUP /PCVTVLF *XBTBLJ BOE:VJDIJSP /JTIJNVSB
  2. 2017/08/18 State  of  the  Map  2017  Lightning  Talk 3 OSM

     “Notes”  (地図メモ) • Notes  is  a  core  feature   of  the   OpenStreetMap.org   website  for  placing   shared  notes  on  the   map  to  assist  in   mapping/editing   OpenStreetMap. • Notes  allow  for  two   way  communication,   with  the  ability  for  a   mapper  to  ask  for  more   details  if  necessary.   • Since  24th  April,  2013.
  3. 2017/08/18 State  of  the  Map  2017  Lightning  Talk 4 Global

     Overview ©Pascal  Neis (neis-‐‑‒one.org) Opened:  307,885  (28.25%)  -­‐ Closed:  781,949  (71.75%)  -­‐ Overall:  1,089,834  (12th,  Aug.  2017)
  4. 2017/08/18 State  of  the  Map  2017  Lightning  Talk 5 1.

     Get  Dump  Files  (.osn) • http://planet.openstreetmap.org/notes/planet-‐‑‒notes-‐‑‒latest.osn.bz2 • https://archive.org/details/osmdata 2.  Convert  to  OSM  file  (osn2osm) • https://github.com/tbicr/osn2osm • 455,746,971  bytes(297,327  POIs  in  the  World • Archived  by  2017/7/12   • Only  Extractable  “Opened”  Notes Methods 3.  QGIS  “QuickOSM”  with  customized  osmconf.ini • osm_̲id,  osm_̲version,  osm_̲timestamp,  osm_̲uid,  osm_̲user,   osm_̲changeset =yes • Need  to  Save  .geojson (“name”  tag  is  so  long,  because  all   comment  text  is  included) Thank  you  for  supported by  Hiroshi  KANASUGI (the  University  of  Tokyo)
  5. 2017/08/18 State  of  the  Map  2017  Lightning  Talk 7 Open/Closed

     Note  by  Country Open Germany United  States Russia France United  Kingdom Japan  (Rank  19)
  6. 2017/08/18 State  of  the  Map  2017  Lightning  Talk 8 OSM-‐‑‒Notes

     Distribution  in  Japan 2016/10:  400  (Opened) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 2013/04 2013/05 2013/06 2013/07 2013/08 2013/09 2013/10 2013/11 2013/12 2014/01 2014/02 2014/03 2014/04 2014/05 2014/06 2014/07 2014/08 2014/09 2014/10 2014/11 2014/12 2015/01 2015/02 2015/03 2015/04 2015/05 2015/06 2015/07 2015/08 2015/09 2015/10 2015/11 2015/12 2016/01 2016/02 2016/03 2016/04 2016/05 2016/06 2016/07 2016/08 2016/09 2016/10 2016/11 2016/12 2017/01 2017/02 2017/03 2017/04 2017/05 2017/06 2017/07 2016/09: 419  (Opened)
  7. 2017/08/18 State  of  the  Map  2017  Lightning  Talk 9 OSM-‐‑‒Notes

     Distribution  by  Prefecture Hokkaido Tokyo Kanagawa Ishikawa Kyoto Osaka Hyogo
  8. 2017/08/18 State  of  the  Map  2017  Lightning  Talk 11 rank

    OSM  user  name count 1anonimous 2035 2aquila2 143 3nyampire 76 4yasunari 53 5Siegel007 52 6Mohican  Azarashi 45 7shinji  yamada 39 8yosii 36 9Daniel  Haward 32 10Yojiro Nagahama Pastorius 27 rank OSM  user  name count 11Yuta  Hisamori 26 12Shingo  Okamoto 19 13シロクマ 18 14nmaxaki 17 15LeaPea 16 16silvan  h 16 17masakanda 16 18michy9807 16 19しみ犬 16 20Albert  Stone 15 OSM-‐‑‒Notes  User  Ranking ※Only  for  the  total  of  users  who  first  commented  on  Notes
  9. 2017/08/18 State  of  the  Map  2017  Lightning  Talk 12 OSM-‐‑‒Notes

     “version”  in  Japan version   Count version   Count 1 4,567 6 27 2 424 7 13 3 425 8 5 4 113 9 5 5 57 10 3 11 3 17 1
  10. 2017/08/18 State  of  the  Map  2017  Lightning  Talk 15 OSM-‐‑‒Notes

     input  by  “MAPS.ME”  Distribution  in  Japan (41.3%  of  total)
  11. 2017/08/18 State  of  the  Map  2017  Lightning  Talk 17 OSM-‐‑‒Notes

     “anonymous”  user  Distribution  in  Japan (36.1%  of  total)
  12. 2017/08/18 State  of  the  Map  2017  Lightning  Talk 18 OSM-‐‑‒Notes

     discussed  about  “Facebook”  in  Japan (7.0%  of  total)
  13. 2017/08/18 State  of  the  Map  2017  Lightning  Talk 19 Findings

     and  Issues • A  lot  of  Notes  find  major  cities  such  as  Tokyo   and  Osaka  with  are  also  in  Hokkaido  and   Ishikawa  prefectures. • However,  many  of  the  users  were  “anonymous”.   and  there  was  a  tendency  to  post  bugs  by   MAPS.ME  and  Facebook. • The  user  interaction  (Notes  version)  between   the  OSM  mappers  are  still  in  a  small. • To  develop  a  method  to  extract  “Closed”   Notes.  Used  for  analysis  of  GIS  data  and   resolution  period. • It  is  necessary  to  analyze  the  contents  of   the  text  deeply  (text  mining  etc.).
  14. 2017/08/18 State  of  the  Map  2017  Lightning  Talk 20 Thank

     you  ! @tosseto [email protected]­‐tokyo.ac.jp http://researchmap.jp/tosseto
  15. 2017/08/18 State  of  the  Map  2017  Lightning  Talk 21 Name

    tag=  all  comments   of  one  Note (Another  option:  Convert  “osmconvert” • http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osmconvert • osmconvert output170712.osm  -‐‑‒-‐‑‒all-‐‑‒to-‐‑‒nodes  -‐‑‒-‐‑‒csv="@id   @lon @lat @version  @timestamp  @user  @changeset name"   -‐‑‒-‐‑‒csv-‐‑‒headline  -‐‑‒-‐‑‒csv-‐‑‒separator=%  -‐‑‒o=170712.csv • Need  to  save  “geojson”
  16. 2017/08/18 State  of  the  Map  2017  Lightning  Talk 22 Notes

     Versioning  (amount  of  interaction) Version  =>  5  (5,513  POIs;  114  in  Japan)
  17. 2017/08/18 State  of  the  Map  2017  Lightning  Talk 23 version

    Count version Count 1 251,413 16 13 2 19,380 17 17 3 17,502 18 39 4 3,519 19 19 5 2,915 20 22 6 1,029 21 16 7 630 22 16 8 255 23 15 9 173 24 10 10 99 25-­‐29 29 11 69 30-­‐34 18 12 41 35-­‐39 9 13 30 40-­‐52 8 14 28 15 18 version   Count 1 4,567 2 424 3 425 4 113 5 57 6 27 7 13 8 5 9 5 10 3 11 3 17 1 Notes  Versioning  Count World Japan