Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Even local businesses are scared of inves?ng. Consider the Rofo rofo illustra?ons from the CBN, NNPC and Finance Minister over the missing $20 Billion saga, shall we con?nue like this? Some of the lies they told us, "I had to wake up as early as six o'clock to peel the oranges and get set for the motor park as early as possible." “I didn’t have any shoes.” We can't describe our tradi?onal rulers as ravenous thieves who cooperate with the ruling class to defraud the people, can we? Tradi?onal rulers & religious leaders host our president every week, they all smile, dance, and merry. Most of our tradi?onal rulers are killers of change, they benefit from con?nuity. Some of these tradi?onal rulers sabotage free flow of truthful informa?on and spread their own agenda through propaganda. Our tradi?onal rulers and religious leaders assists in condi?oning the masses to be submissive to the wills of the ruling class. Those who don't stand in the way of corrup?on but encourage it are themselves guilty of heinous crimes.