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Participating in entrepreneurship and Leadershi...

Participating in entrepreneurship and Leadership - Dipo Awojide

XN Foundation

June 12, 2014

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  1. 1. Revolution or Solutions 2. Making an Impact by Getting

    Involved in Entrepreneurship and Leadership Initiatives Dipo Awojide UK Coordinator, Young & Active Nigeria
  2. How much more shall we struggle as a nation? How

    much more shall our leaders deceive us? How much more shall our graduates remain unemployed? Shall we mobilise for a revolution? Shall we offer peaceful solutions? We live in a country of opportunities, yet, majority cannot seem to achieve their dreams. Corruption has taken over the land, the elites are smiling and their bank accounts getting bigger and fatter, but for how long shall the poor suffer? In a country where some are stupidly rich, a good percentage of university graduates cannot find decent jobs to do. Doesn’t this make us sad? The propaganda on events happing in Northern Nigeria isn't good for the country. Different sources report diverse information. I am very confident that this current security challenge is a phase, it will soon pass. But how long more? How many more deaths? I wonder if we can be united for once and put away party affiliations, and deal with this security issues.
  3. The  fact  is  that  the  country  keeps  losing  out  on

     Foreign  Direct  Investment  (FDI).  Even   local  businesses  are  scared  of  inves?ng.   Consider  the  Rofo  rofo  illustra?ons  from  the  CBN,  NNPC  and  Finance  Minister  over  the   missing  $20  Billion  saga,  shall  we  con?nue  like  this?   Some  of  the  lies  they  told  us,   "I  had  to  wake  up  as  early  as  six  o'clock  to  peel  the  oranges  and  get  set  for  the  motor   park  as  early  as  possible."     “I  didn’t  have  any  shoes.”     We  can't  describe  our  tradi?onal  rulers  as  ravenous  thieves  who  cooperate  with  the   ruling  class  to  defraud  the  people,  can  we?   Tradi?onal  rulers  &  religious  leaders  host  our  president  every  week,  they  all  smile,   dance,  and  merry.  Most  of  our  tradi?onal  rulers  are  killers  of  change,  they  benefit  from   con?nuity.  Some  of  these  tradi?onal  rulers  sabotage  free  flow  of  truthful  informa?on   and  spread  their  own  agenda  through  propaganda.   Our  tradi?onal  rulers  and  religious  leaders  assists  in  condi?oning  the  masses  to  be   submissive  to  the  wills  of  the  ruling  class.  Those  who  don't  stand  in  the  way  of   corrup?on  but  encourage  it  are  themselves  guilty  of  heinous  crimes.  
  4. The  big  media  houses  (both  private  and  public)  assist  the

     government  in  brainwashing   the  ci?zens.  Tradi?onal  rulers  assist  with  brainwashing  at  the  local  level.   As  Nigerians,  we  must  respect  tradi?onal  ins?tu?ons.  But  we  must  not  refrain  from   speaking  the  truth.  All  tradi?onal  ins?tu?ons  in  the  West,  North,  East,  and  South  of   Nigeria  must  unite  to  inspire  change  in  our  dear  country.  The  prosperity  of  our  country   depends  on  how  much  hard  work  we  are  willing  to  put  in.  We  cannot  con?nue  like  this.   Again  I  ask,   How  much  more  shall  we  struggle  as  a  na?on?   How  much  more  shall  our  leaders  deceive  us?   How  much  more  shall  our  graduates  remain  unemployed?   Shall  we  mobilise  for  a  revolu?on?     Shall  we  offer  peaceful  solu?ons?  
  5. ž  “One product concept or idea out of seven becomes

    a commercial success; and only one project in four is a winner”, but how can we attain success if we don’t try?   ž  The world is moving away from self-contained national economies toward an interdependent, integrated global economic system. Evidently, there is currently a shift toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy. ž  As Nigerians in the diaspora, there’s so much we can contribute back home even while studying or living in the United Kingdom by engaging in entrepreneurship and leadership initiatives.  
  6. ž  Young and Active Nigeria is “a vibrant group of

    young change makers whose passion is to challenge the future, influence it and push for youth-driven innovation that will engender change in Nigeria. ž  Young people are naturally inventive, creative, and enterprising and it’s our goal and objective to build on this sense of adventure and provide a variety of empowerment and opportunities for supporting creativity and innovation of young and active Nigerians.”
  7. v  It is expected that if we as Nigerian youths

    in the diaspora are able to simultaneously pursue courses of action along entrepreneurship and leadership lines, the impact on our country will be great. v  Considering the political, economic, and social challenges that Nigeria is currently experiencing, youths need to consider the cost of folding their hands, together with the impact that this may have on Nigeria as a nation. v  Website: http://www.youngandactivenigeria.org/ v  Twitter: @YoungAndActiveN v  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YoungAndActiveNigeria