Simple Evening Routine SUMMARY KEYWORDS moms, feeling, adhd, motherhood, step, expectations, talk, work, morning, brain, stick, habit, plan, videos, kids, juggling, today, major obstacle, remind, soccer uniforms SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:02 Welcome to the disorganized moms guide to a peaceful morning. We are on day number one. So welcome aboard. Let's get started. I am Patricia Sung. And I help disorganized moms get their act together one step at a time so that you can feel confident running your home life. Now in case you slept, since you got my welcome email, I'll remind you, this is going to be quick videos, five of them delivered right to your inbox, the down and dirty basics to get you on your way to a better morning. Now, each delivery, it will be every other day. So you have a chance to catch up on whatever didn't happen the day before, because we are moms and things happen. So I want this to be doable today. So all of these steps are straight to the point of cutting chaos. Patricia Sung 00:49 This guide is for any mom who is feeling like a mess in the morning. But in case you have ADHD like I do, I have a little ADHD moment at the end of each video, this will give you a little tidbit on how what we're talking about today. lines up with the ADHD brain. So you can learn a little bit more about how your brain functions. But if you don't have ADHD, no worries, you can hit pause before it starts. And you'll already have everything you need to get your homework done. I know homework, I said it. I used to be a middle school teacher and I just can't help myself. So today, what are we gonna do, we're gonna set our mindsets, we need to talk about some roadblocks that you've hit in the past of why you've tried in the past to make your morning better, and it totally failed. Hey, it happens, right. But if we don't change our mindset to can do, and we think we can't do it. Well guess what we can. That's how mindset works. So let's overcome some of those hurdles, so that we're going in with a fresh start. Patricia Sung 01:52 So part of number one is trying to do too much too soon. As moms we generally do too much all the time. And it becomes an SE habit that we have to lower expectations and take our time, we make these like 13 Step fancy schmancy plans of how this new morning routine is going to be glorious. And we have not yet mastered one step. It's just like if you're trying to run a marathon, and you don't know how to run a mile, maybe you're a little bit ahead of yourself. So we are not going to set ourselves up for failure like we have in the past. If you listen to my podcast motherhood in ADHD, I talk about baby steps all the time, we're going to keep everything simple and doable. And we're going to build as we go. Sure there are and I could talk to you for probably three hours on making your morning better and give