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Step 1 - The Simple Evening Routine

Step 1 - The Simple Evening Routine

More Decks by Patricia Sung | Motherhood in ADHD

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  1. Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 1 - Step 1 - The

    Simple Evening Routine SUMMARY KEYWORDS moms, feeling, adhd, motherhood, step, expectations, talk, work, morning, brain, stick, habit, plan, videos, kids, juggling, today, major obstacle, remind, soccer uniforms SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:02 Welcome to the disorganized moms guide to a peaceful morning. We are on day number one. So welcome aboard. Let's get started. I am Patricia Sung. And I help disorganized moms get their act together one step at a time so that you can feel confident running your home life. Now in case you slept, since you got my welcome email, I'll remind you, this is going to be quick videos, five of them delivered right to your inbox, the down and dirty basics to get you on your way to a better morning. Now, each delivery, it will be every other day. So you have a chance to catch up on whatever didn't happen the day before, because we are moms and things happen. So I want this to be doable today. So all of these steps are straight to the point of cutting chaos. Patricia Sung 00:49 This guide is for any mom who is feeling like a mess in the morning. But in case you have ADHD like I do, I have a little ADHD moment at the end of each video, this will give you a little tidbit on how what we're talking about today. lines up with the ADHD brain. So you can learn a little bit more about how your brain functions. But if you don't have ADHD, no worries, you can hit pause before it starts. And you'll already have everything you need to get your homework done. I know homework, I said it. I used to be a middle school teacher and I just can't help myself. So today, what are we gonna do, we're gonna set our mindsets, we need to talk about some roadblocks that you've hit in the past of why you've tried in the past to make your morning better, and it totally failed. Hey, it happens, right. But if we don't change our mindset to can do, and we think we can't do it. Well guess what we can. That's how mindset works. So let's overcome some of those hurdles, so that we're going in with a fresh start. Patricia Sung 01:52 So part of number one is trying to do too much too soon. As moms we generally do too much all the time. And it becomes an SE habit that we have to lower expectations and take our time, we make these like 13 Step fancy schmancy plans of how this new morning routine is going to be glorious. And we have not yet mastered one step. It's just like if you're trying to run a marathon, and you don't know how to run a mile, maybe you're a little bit ahead of yourself. So we are not going to set ourselves up for failure like we have in the past. If you listen to my podcast motherhood in ADHD, I talk about baby steps all the time, we're going to keep everything simple and doable. And we're going to build as we go. Sure there are and I could talk to you for probably three hours on making your morning better and give
  2. Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 2 - you 4200 Steps well,

    when on top of that, we're moms we're making this doable in a short amount of time. So we are going to keep things simple. And we will build on those things as we go. But right now, we're going to keep it simple and doable. Patricia Sung 03:04 These videos are going to come to you every other day so that you have time in the middle to go back and visit that thing if you didn't get it done the day before because mom life happens. So you'll have plenty of time to get it done. Before we move on to the next step. Keep in mind that you don't need to worry if you're getting behind or something. It's okay, just jump back in on whatever day we're on. The steps don't have to be done in a certain order. Patricia Sung 03:29 Obviously, I am giving this to you in an order that I think is easiest for you. But we're not dying here here. Like if you do it out of order, it's totally fine. This shouldn't be making your life better, not more stressful. So if you need to snooze an email and come back to it next week, totally fine, step away, come back. If you're super stressed right now, it's all right. We're aiming for ease, and better not stress, and more stress. The second obstacle that we often get stuck on is we just didn't really know what to do. Maybe we're throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks, or we're really overwhelmed by the bigness of how disastrous the morning is, we just don't know where to start. Or we try to do exactly what somebody else did. And we aren't that exact same person so it didn't end up working for us. So I am a mama with a plan and I am here to help. I am going to tell you exactly what to do. And then you are going to tailor each of those pieces to match you match your life, your family your stage of motherhood. And the good part about that is that once you have these skills, you can adjust them down the road. Patricia Sung 04:40 So right now maybe you're juggling diapers and diaper bags. And when you've moved on to juggling soccer uniforms and soccer equipment, you will still be able to adjust what you do because you have the skills in place to make it work. So this will work for any stage of motherhood. No matter how many kids you're wrangling up. Make it work for you. And our third major obstacle is this feeling of it didn't stick in the past. So why should I try? Well, you know, we start out thinking, Oh, it's not rocket science, I can do this, like, just find some plan on Pinterest, we're going to get up at 330. I'm gonna do these 67 things before my kids get up. And I'm going to meditate and exercise and roast my own, organically grown coffee beans that I grew in my backyard. And listen, I am not knocking any of those things. But if your current alarm clock is your kid peering over the edge of the bed telling you that they're starving, let's lower expectations a little bit, we are not going to set ourselves up for failure. Just because our past plans failed doesn't mean that you are a failure, you are not, it meant you didn't have the tools that were right for you. Patricia Sung 05:50 Now, you might not see a difference tomorrow or later this week. But slowly, over time, you will see how things begin to change. And you'll see that they are truly different. Now we are going to be patient with ourselves because it actually takes two months to build a habit. Not that 21 or 28 days that we hear all the time. So I want you to get into the Facebook group. My Facebook community is motherhood and
  3. Transcribed by https://otter.ai - 3 - ADHD. And we're all

    going to work together to support each other. So when you're feeling like this just is too much you can reach out for help or brainstorm ideas with other moms who are similar to you. Patricia Sung 06:28 So if you're feeling sick or unmotivated, whatever that negative feeling is, I want you to remind yourself, why are you making these changes? Why are you trying to make your morning more peaceful? What's your why now because I promised you short videos. If you want to talk more about your motivation of why you made this change, you can go listen to my podcast motherhood and ADHD. Episode 65 is also titled the same thing. This organized moms guide for a peaceful morning and it talks about why I actually made this change in the first place. What was my motivation? And I'm happy to share that with you in case you need a little motivation to find your motivation. So what is your step for today, I want you to grab a piece of paper, your phone, whatever, and you're going to write down three negative feelings that you have right now about mornings. Whether you are feeling stressed or sad, embarrassed, panicked, frustrated, shameful, whatever that is, I want you to get it out. And we're going to throw that in the trash can. And we are going to let it go. Patricia Sung 07:32 Now I want you to close your eyes and sit for just a moment, but your brain settle. And you know, turn off the to do list for as much as you can. And like think about what does a peaceful morning look like in your house in your family currently? And I want you to write down three positive feelings that when you picture that, what do you feel? Do you feel peace? Confidence? Are you excited that you were able to prove to yourself that you were able to change something? Do you feel calm or pride? Are you ready, let's get going. I'm going to remind you tomorrow of your one step to get done. And then I will see you the day after for step tip. If you have ADHD, go ahead and stick around and we'll do our ADHD moment. So for today's ADHD moment, if you have ADHD like I do, we tend to be all or nothing people either we're in or we're out. There's not a lot of in between. There's not a lot of dabbling. And if there is, that usually means that we are doing it because we thought it was something we were supposed to do. Whether it's from an outside expectation, or somebody who we care about and want to try to live up to their expectations, but our heart really isn't in it. Patricia Sung 08:54 We have to do some real work in learning to listen to ourselves. We have spent a really long time ignoring that. And it is a hard habit to break. So as we learn to tune into what we want, what we feel what we are thinking, and we learn about our ADHD brain, our confidence grows, we've been trying to fit into a world how the other 90% of the population fits and functions and works. It's going to take some time to get used to doing it your way. I want to encourage you to explore that. While what I'm teaching you will fit both a neurotypical brain or a neurodiverse brain. I am filtering out anything that wouldn't make sense for somebody who is neurodivergent or has anything different about their brain. So you are so welcome here. You are one of my people and I am so glad that you're here. So I will see you tomorrow.