taking medicine, showering, making sure that I drink some water in the morning, those kinds of things. So just like FYI, they're not those two things are not going to be on the sheet. Because, you know, we're we're trying to balance having everything in one place, but not be so overwhelming. And that is something you can post in the location, that makes sense. And you don't have to carry that around with you. Patricia Sung 02:24 We also want to imbalance planning with real time like, as much as we put all of these plans in place, like there is something to be said for flowing with the day and making sure that we're being present and that we're not so focused on what the plan is that we're not enjoying the moment. And it's going to feel like a bit of a struggle when you're first trying to get everything in order. And it's gonna feel awkward. But we talked about that valley of disappointment is that in that first part where we're trying to make all this work, and it feels like we're not making headway and it's going to be awkward and uncomfortable. We know that we're we expect that. And then once we start to settle into that rhythm, and it'll start to feel good and make more sense, okay. But we do want to make sure that we are accommodating for like real life and that this whole the routine and the schedule that we're making, is to serve you, not for you to serve it. So it is always there to assist you not to be like you know, a stick to beat yourself over the head with. Patricia Sung 03:30 Okay. Next one is easier said than done avoiding over committing. When we create these plans, sometimes we like playing every minute of the day. And then we don't have any room for flexibility. So the minute that one tiny thing goes wrong, it throws the whole schedule off. So want to make sure that we have that free space in there and make it work for you. It should fit you it should fit your personalities, it should fit your values. When I look at this schedule, I should be able to tell what it is that's most important to you. Also, remember that we're looking for our patterns and use those to your advantage. Figure out where you can create more efficiencies and and, you know, if you're feeling more tired in certain parts of the day, like make those your rest times and adjust in so that you can fit what makes sense for you. And lastly, of course, I'm sure I've said it a bazillion times now but remember changes necessary. Patricia Sung 04:38 I mean, that's the only certain part of life is that things will change and our kids are growing and they're modifying what they do every day. You know, they're outgrowing naps, then they're going to school and have a different schedule like it isn't this is meant to be a structure in a framework that makes sense for you but you You are going to have to modify it. You know, it might fall apart at, you know the holidays, but you can then go back to it after the holidays and like restart over again, it's okay that we chilled out for that week, no one's going to be horrifically scared because we didn't follow our pattern exactly. There is that room for fluidity, but it is going to change. And as soon as you feel like you've got the hang of you know, your kid having two naps, they're going on to one nap. And as soon as you feel like you got the one that thing down, and they go, and they don't want to naps anymore. I mean, this is just part of being a mom, so bear with us where we're getting through it.