‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.’
The opening line of the Dickens classic best sums up the last few years. The way we communicate, connect, create and consume has turned on its head in the last decade or so. Now everyone moves, everything is connected, a digital murmur somewhere in Africa causes a revolution in Asia. Things are getting smaller, human networks bigger. Interfaces, well, are almost disappearing!
It is the best of times – because of the world of immense possibilities that it opens up.
It is the worst of times – because none of the old rules seem to apply anymore for anything!
New UX Design paradigms are emerging every day, evolving and getting mainstreamed fairly quickly. User Research though is still largely a world of interviews, deep-dives, lab enquiries and reports.
This session will not provide any hard-baked solution, but will be an enquiry and exploration into what User Research needs to be like for this new mobile, connected world. Sharing own experiences about new ways of discovering, communicating, creating and assessing value for users and customers, it will be an attempt to put together a working sketch for User Research 2.0.