This presentation discusses Storm, the distributed computation system, and how it’s used at Keen IO. Redstorm, which makes it possible to build Storm topologies in Ruby, is also discussed. First given at #sfrails in October 2013.
Helped found & build Togetherville (Disney) Ruby 1.8.7 and Rails 2.3.8 FTW! * Author of mongoid_alize, four & keen-gem. * Mentor at HackBright & HackReactor * Currently VP Engineering at Keen IO
Github b) Low-latency distributed computation system c) WNBA team in Seattle d) Capable of streaming map-reduce Pop quiz! Storm is: e) All of the above
events and performing queries. Cassandra distributes the data & Storm distributes the computation. Because Storm and Cassandra scale linearly, we can perform writes and queries with low latency, high throughput, all while remaining fault tolerant.
Nodes Events/Sec 3 6 50,000+ The Query Topology Query Type Collection Size (events) Mean Response Time Full Count 100M >100ms Average w/ groups 100M 300ms Sum over a field 600M 800ms
Storm. Includes batteries: CLI scripts to package jars & work with storm locally and deploy t a cluster. Very easy way to get familiar with Storm. Simple twitter streaming example –