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The Scientific Revolution

The Scientific Revolution

Fourth lecture for a class on science.


January 13, 2017

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  1. Nicholas Copernicus: 1473 – 1543 ! Polish monk, diplomat, astronomer.

    ! Published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres in year of his death. ! Claimed that Earth rotates on axis and orbits sun. ! 60 years after his death only 15 astronomers accepted his theory.
  2. Tycho Brahe: 1546 – 1601 ! Danish nobleman astronomer, astrologer,

    alchemist. ! Built and ran astronomical observatories where he collected accurate astronomical data. ! Developed hybrid geocentric/heliocentric model of universe.
  3. Giordano Bruno: 1548 – 1600 “Innumerable suns exist. Innumerable earths

    revolve around these. Living beings inhabit these worlds.” ! Dominican monk, astronomer, mathematician, astrologer. ! Publically defended Copernican theory and his own cosmological speculations. ! Burned to death by Papal authorities for heresy.
  4. Galileo Galilei: 1564 – 1642 ! Italian astronomer, engineer, physicist.

    ! Used telescope to examine sun, planets and moon. ! Studied physics of falling objects. ! Publically argued for his theories, but recanted under threat from church.
  5. Johannes Kepler: 1571 – 1630 ! German astronomer, mathematician, assistant

    to Tycho Brahe. ! Developed mathematical laws of planetary motion based on Brahe’s data. ! Thought planetary orbits fit into nested regular solids. ! Studied optics in relation to astronomy and anatomy.
  6. Rene Descartes: 1596 – 1650 ! French philosopher, mathematician, scientist.

    ! Developed analytic geometry – the Cartesian coordinate system. ! Studied optics and physiology. ! Provided a philosophical basis for the new science.
  7. Isaac Newton: 1643 – 1727 ! British mathematician, physicist. !

    Formulated law of universal gravitation, unifiying laws of motion on earth and in heavens. ! Developed the calculus to describe continuous change mathematically. ! Studied optics and developed reflecting telescope.
  8. The Scientific Revolution Before ! We are at the center

    of things. ! Everything has a purpose and nature. ! The universe is governed by divine intentions. After ! There is nothing special about where we are. ! Purposes are human impositions on things. ! The universe is governed by abstract mathematical laws.