How Social Media Can Help You Land — or Lose — Your Dream Job
Whether you know it or not, recruiters are looking at you every day — Googling your name, scrutinizing your tweets, scanning your inadvertently public Facebook posts.
3. Leverage LinkedIn Light 4. Create a Portfolio 5. Build a Brochure 6. Find the Hidden Job Market 7. Position Yourself When You’re Jobless 8. Remember: You’re Always on the Job 9. Bury the Bad Stuff
career. Not having done a thing as far as I could tell, I was pleased to know he was refer- ring to my insistence that he spruce up his LinkedIn profile, even if he wasn’t seeking a new job. As it turns out, a new job found him when a recruiter viewed his profile.” —ADAM LASHINSKY
(6 months) | Washington, DC Area I’m making a career shift, so that I can better deploy my marketing, social media and event-production skills. Open to relocation.
account. The Times does not control it, but the Times is held accountable for what appears on it. Indeed, the casual reader interprets my social accounts as an extension of our digital platforms, for good and ill.” —NICK CONFESSORE, THE NEW YORK TIMES
“Class” Just Resigned New York Times Demotes Editor Who Sparked Fury Ted Cruz Asks National Spokesman to Resign After Posting Inaccurate Marco Rubio Video
3. Leverage LinkedIn Light 4. Create a Portfolio 5. Build a Brochure 6. Find the Hidden Job Market 7. Position Yourself Between Jobs 8. Remember: You’re Always on the Job 9. Bury the Bad Stuff