Joint models for multi-outcome data and covariance structures via MCMC Bayesian estimation using MCMC Hybrid RWM within Gibbs sampler (continued) 1 Initialise algorithm by selecting θ0 and b0. For s = 1, . . . , N 2 Update βs, Gs and λ0 through their conditional posteriors. 3 Propose new values γ∗, ζ∗, ξ∗ and b∗, using Normal proposals, centered around the previous values γs−1, ζs−1, ξs−1 and bs−1. 4 Accept these new values with probability α = min π(γ∗, ζ∗, ξ∗, b∗|βs, Gs, λs 0 , T, δ, Y ) π(γs−1, ζs−1, ξs−1, bs−1|βs, Gs, λs 0 , T, δ, Y ) , 1 and set (γ, ζ, ξ, b)s = (γ, ζ, ξ, b)∗, otherwise set (γ, ζ, ξ, b)s = (γ, ζ, ξ, b)s−1. 5 Discarding the first K samples as burn-in, θK+1, . . . , θN will be (approximately) a sample from the posterior π(θ|T, δ, Y, b).