The prolific English writer and comedian John Cleese has said, “Creativity is not a talent. It is a way of operating.”
Our training as UX professionals gives us many ways to conduct research into the aspects of life we seek to serve, and many ways to prototype and evolve concepts into reality. But our training often leaves us empty-handed when it comes to a key aspect of our work: imagining what could be. That hinge-point between research and making, that moment of conception, is critical. Some of us experience an “ah-ha” of revelation, some of us are left feeling insecure about whether we’ve chosen “the best way.”
This workshop will proceed in two chapters. In the first, we will experience and discuss an approach for teams who want a better source of ideas than “smart people around a table.” In the second chapter, Marc will facilitate a series of activities to help you explore your personal creative barriers, fears, patterns, and possibilities. In closing, we will discuss how we can apply practices of “open creativity” within the constraints of organizational culture and tight deadlines.