Set Agenda 4. No Crosstalk 5. Timely Tight 6. Closing Round If you don’t need to have face-to-face meeting, don’t. If yes ... If you/he/she doesn’t need to attend meeting, don’t. If yes … Prepare, invitation and objective transparency
Set Agenda 4. No Crosstalk 5. Timely Tight 6. Closing Round Good facilitator Stick to your schedule Do it asynchronously if possible Ask your audience if time will pass up
room. This is a challenge, but don't use the meeting itself to try to solve a messy problem or come to a consensus on a decision. If a decision needs to get made, capture it as an action and move on. Schedule a quick follow up chat, or just pull the necessary people aside after the meeting to get it done
Set Agenda 4. No Crosstalk 5. Timely Tight 6. Closing Round Summarize your action plan Ask your audience for meeting feedback Try a lot of method, iterate and getting feedback