Presented a design and business case for integrating product (UX-UI) design with Product Marketing Design. Led a team of designers and collabrated with external vendors as part of this initiaitive.
Product Marketing and Search User Experience Design recipe for success: Provide the most engaging end-to-end Customer Experience across all Yahoo! Search Products SEARCH PMD
consumer has with a particular product, from when they first hear of it, to when they perceive its marketing, to when they buy it, open its packaging, use it, and live with it for a while (and then, of course, when they consider buying another one).z lA quick online search even shows a job posting for an End-to-End Category Leader at Intuit. When a trend becomes a job title, it's a good time to pay attention.z
Brad Williamson SEARCH PMD lWe, as marketers, are finally opening our eyes to this new marketing movement where we stop relying so much on our brands and start relying more on our lBondsz with customers. For those that don`t know, lBondingz is a marketing strategy in which an emotional relationship is built between a product and its customers.z (, October 2006)
silos in many companies are clearly visible within the products they produce. Products, however, are by their very nature horizontal. As a result, vertical organizational structures can often impede the product design process.
our knowledge today is such that no one can be an expert at all the disciplines that converge as total user experience. But awareness of the principles and value-adds of different disciplines is vital for user experience practitioners. Everyone & No One Everyone in an organization should own User Experience and no one in an organization should own User Experience. In other words, the company (as a whole) is ultimately responsible for UE Don Norman. Excerpt from Functioning Form, LukeW, October 2004
1. Engage Search UED as a strategic partner and design consultant 2. Raise the bar on the quality of Search Product Marketing Design, as well as the volume or quantity of projects that are influenced by this collaboration 3. Exchange cross-disciplinary knowledge & skills (UED, Marketing..) 4. Identify processes, best practices including managing resources and documentation
and prioritize the Marketing Design requirements across Search Products for Q1 2. UED to dive in with strategy, design and development of ongoing, and prioritized Search project. 3. Set up a bi-weekly cross-functional team 4. Document PMD case studies for review and evolution of this collaboration 5. PMD to approach "Customer Contact Strategy Team" and leverage their participation to meet our objectives.