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Indie Design

Laura Kalbag
March 21, 2015

Indie Design

From a talk given at WordCamp London in March 2015.

Laura Kalbag

March 21, 2015

More Decks by Laura Kalbag

Other Decks in Design


  1. – loads of people “If you’re getting it for free,

    you’re not the user, you’re the product being sold”
  2. 1.

  3. 2.

  4. 3.

  5. 4.

  6. You give me a product, I pay you for that

    product. You provide me with a service, I pay you for that service.
  7. 1.

  8. 2.

  9. 3.

  10. 4.

  11. user experience- driven centralised & siloed features-driven centralised & siloed

    features-driven decentralised & distributed user experience- driven distributed
  12. alternative technology won’t spread beyond enthusiasts if we don’t pay

    attention to the things that matter to consumers
  13. delightful respects human experience private, secure, accessible and sustainable functional,

    convenient and reliable respects human effort respects human rights
  14. functional, convenient and reliable private, secure, accessible and sustainable delightful

    respects human rights respects human effort respects human experience The 3 Rs of Ethical Design
  15. functional, convenient and reliable private, secure, accessible and sustainable delightful

    does not respect human rights respects human effort respects human experience
  16. the more diverse a team, the more likely their product

    is to solve and serve the problems of a diverse audience
  17. 5.

  18. 6.