Barell by Arthur Shlain bible by Vectors Market Binary by Royyan Wijaya, ID Bonfire by Yusuf Solihudin, ID Bottle by junie, KR Bottle Cap by S. Salinas, ES Bow by Adrien Coquet, FR Bracket by Chintuza Camel by Tatiana Belkina Caring love by Vector Valley, PK Carrying Baby, Gan Khoon Lay Chainsaw by Vectors Market Chess by Eucalyp Clock by Chanut is Industries, TH Clock by Cuputo, ID Cottons by The Icon Z, ID Cow by Bernd Lakenbrink, DE Crown by Alvaro Cabrera, Spain Curtain by iconcheese Dancing by Adrien Coquet, FR Death by Sumit Saengthong, TH Deer by Bayu Ardhy, ID Download by Image Catalog, RU drop by Linseed Studio, US Excla. Mark by Ricki Tri Putra, ID Fabric by nareerat jaikaew, TH Farm by Symbolon, IT Farmer Family by Gan Khoon Lay Farming by SBTS, IN Forest by faisal, ID Fork by Dmitry Baranovskiy, AU Fries by Ozza Okuonghae, GB Fruits by Dewi Tresnasih, ID God by Gregory Montigny, FR Gold by Nine One, ID Grapes by Lyhn Hammer by Kenneth Appiah, CA Heaven by Alexandr Cherkinsky, RU hell by Olena Panasovska, UA Human by Alice Design Ink by Markus, NO Jutice by Deemak Daksnina, ID Logs by Silvia Natalia, ID Machine by Eucalyp Meat by Simon Farkas, SK Meditation by Victoruler Merge by ImageCatalog, RU Mine by Eucalyp Mine by, GB Money by Xinh Studio Oil by Smalllike Ore by Bakunesu Kaito Paper by Bestdesignmarket, IN Pause by Daniel Simon, DK Plastic pack by raptors Collective, IT Play by Daniel Simon, DK Potato, by Arthur Shlain, RU potato by Olga Pray by AliWijaya Primitive Weapon by Yuri Antonov, RU Product by Sophia Bai, US question mark by Milinda Courey quarter hour (etc.) by icon 54 Rabbit by arif fajar yulianto, ID Reading by Mavadee, TH Rifle by Alexander Skowalsky, HU Saw by DinosoftLab Scissor by Adib Muhammad, ID Shell by Tatyana, RU Shipwreck by Luis Prado, US Shovel by akbar fauzan Shuffle by ImageCatalog, RU Spear by Firza Alamsyah, ID Submission by Luis Prado, US The Holy Star by Ben Davis, RO Tractor by Atif Arshad, AE Traktor by Gleb Khorunzhiy, RU Tree by REVA, ID Vacation by Chintuza Vineyard by Francesca Ameglio, IT Violence by Adrien Coquet, FR Wheat by richad, US Wheat by Victoruler Window by Chintuza Vielen Dank an das noun-project für die schönen Icons!