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Effective Public Speaking - August 06, 2020

Effective Public Speaking - August 06, 2020

Pradip Khakhar

August 06, 2020

More Decks by Pradip Khakhar

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  1. Your name Why are you here today? What's your biggest

    fear? In the comments let me know: 1. 2. 3. Pradip Instructor Unable to connect with the audience Example: 1. 2. 3.
  2. What you'll learn today How to tell an authentic story.

    Communicate your point. . Manage pre speaking nerves. Be less robotic and genuine. Practice and Q&A
  3. It depends The world has shifted to Zoom and other

    online tools 1 hour is insufficient, use this as a starting point 1. 2.
  4. Become self aware Why do you fear public speaking? Create

    a plan with small steps Keep It Simple (Silly) - KISS It's ok to not know Fear of Public Speaking
  5. How to tell an authentic story BEGIN - MIDDLE -

    END Setup - Conflict - Resolution Dealing with a problem Introduction or setting Problem Solution End Story helps create a connection. Don't forget the why.
  6. How to tell an authentic story Be descriptive Make things

    happen In practical terms Speaker Listener Help the audience feel the experience and pull together.
  7. Communicate your point Make it easy to: Understand Remember Enjoy

    Be organized and get to the point Write like you speak Share your knowledge by teaching Show your competence through social proof In practical terms
  8. Communicate with purpose What are you trying to accomplish? Talk

    the language your target audience understands. What similarities/ interests do you share? What's the end result? (is there one) Airlines Car dealers Google yourself In practical terms
  9. Be less robotic and genuine It's a conversation/ tone Engagement

    Don't read a script/ visual aid Breath Silence is a good thing Read the audience
  10. Be you, be real People want to connect with people

    Be honest, fair, kind & transparent Care about other people. Understand what THEY want Become a resource In practical terms
  11. Let's talk Time limit - 2 mins A - A

    Failure B - An experience C - A recent event d - A personal story