45 years) created as a response to early sexual cues with same age kids, some of the writing/organizing, stats, least amount of trust for outside world, charts etc. helps with younger parts when they are dealing with outside world, dry humor, will help Kate with money tasks, easily annoyed, she is bi-sexual, toughest of us, was athletic before weight gain and smoking Corey and Marie – The two are most Knowledgeable of Our Multiple System – Corey Writes the Most – and If she has System Questions, she asks Marie who has ALL the answers. She is our sense of consciousness, but she is not an external part like all the other parts – A LOT of Editors **Corey** – (ten years to 42 years) responded to depressive withdrawn years after the “real” Sarah died, will do basic journalistic writing, serious, first babysitter, can get overwhelmed and confused, most introverted, relies on Marie, likes to summarize, thinks often about hiring help, asks questions, and loves cuddling on rainy days with friend or book **Sarah** – (eight years 32 years) held first spontaneous school/scout friendship but friend Sarah died, holds our faith, happiness, and humor, creative, watches younger parts while older parts are working, keeps health and safety balanced, playful, is sunny and loves the outdoors, loves the recorder and singing, most imaginative, likes to take pictures **Lissa** – (seven years to 25 years) receiver of “punishments,” does not talk, very isolated, and shows signs of neglect, responsible for interest in learning, and does a lot of research, books, and library, biggest reader, very curious and loves to learn, tied with Ann for wanting house, plays and enjoys music, enjoys especially the piano, will feed Corey lists, likes going out to eat with the Casies, loves to drive, will use self-destruction to get system to hospital rather than take a chance on suicidal behavior **Henry** – (six years to 32 years) our early “runner” to avoid abuse and later cross-country skier, non- sexual, only male in system, idea man and seeks solutions, assists Sarah with the younger parts needs and protection, likes to fix things, competent, steps in to help with housework, does computer uploading, downloading and a variety of the more complex computer processes, is athletic like Jamie, seems to maintain age of oldest “external” son **Anniemi** – (five years to 30 years) formal “front” part shown to early school in response to problems with the Casies handling kindergarten, church, and home, nervous about the need to be good, not bad, ombudsman, deals with fairness and compromise, negotiations, and complaints, sometimes stutters, tries to study, and help, but sometimes it seems with blinders on. Often starts and stops projects out of confusion, is forgetful, easily assumes position of rejection, feels devoted to Sr. Tess and is close to Dear Heart (Annemarie), sometimes suicidal, memory of childhood stories